Monday, September 13, 2021

Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Welcome to Ms. Fusaro's Class Blogging 2022!


Dear Students and Families,

I am so excited to welcome you to my 2021 classroom blogging initiative! Student blogging has an important role in our classroom because each student will function as a "scribe" and be responsible for group learning.

We had a great deal of success with posting blogs in from 2018 and beyond. 

  • To become effective global communicators.
  • To have every voice speak with the same volume.
  • To summarize and reflect upon each day's lesson.
  • To become responsible digital citizens.
  • To become creators of information.

Technical Requirements of the Blog
  • THREE students per class, per cycle will be responsible for blogging. Blogs will be checked on the next cycle. (For example: John Doe is in Period 5, Day B. If Day B is September 17th and that is his turn to blog, his blog is due by September 22nd - the NEXT Day B.]
  • Title of the blog should include:
    • Student's full name, class period, date, and cycle letter. (For example: John Doe, Period 5, 9/17/20, Day B).
    • Please use the date assigned, not date due.
  • Students MUST LABEL their blog with “Modern Mythology 2021.”
  • Students are responsible for keeping track of when it is their time to blog by completing the Blogger Sheet.
  • Students are to comment and respond to one another, including asking questions or asking for clarification.
  • Blogs will be published on the world wide web, so we must practice digital citizenship and remember that our audience is GLOBAL, so our tone is FORMAL.
  • How to make sure your blog is formatted correctly.

What should the blog content include?

Pick ONE category and respond to all of the questions related to that category.
  • Literacy & Learning
    • Write about your thoughts regarding any of the fiction or non-fiction covered in class.
    • Reflect on any new information you have learned in English class by considering how that learning influences your critical perception.
    • How is what you’re learning applied to any other classes/the world around you?
  • Goal Setting & Growth
    • At this current point in time, what specific goal(s) do you have for yourself? Why
    • How do you demonstrate resilience towards achieving this goal? (or these goals?)
    • How does the world around you affect your perception of this goal? (or these goals?)
  • Socio-political Consciousness
    • What are your thoughts and feelings about issues of inequity, oppression, and/or power?
    • How do you reflect critically on your own beliefs, assumptions, values, and experiences, and how these can influence your perception of self and others?
  • Creativity & Fiction
    • Craft a piece of fiction that addresses one or more of the following: 
      • Literary elements (i.e. structure, tone, diction, mood, irony, and figurative language) to craft a narrative and/or poetry.
      • Structural features of drama (stage directions, character attributions/tags, dialogue, monologues, and/or soliloquies) to craft a script.
      • Multidimensional characters to develop themes and create socio-political metaphors.

When Do I Blog?
Please refer to the Google Sheets Blog Date List.

Sample of Excellent Blogs (They had different requirements)


What does your blog grade mean?
  • MASTERY (MAX): Great work, you nailed it! You covered an amazing multimedia summary of what happened in class using a clear, easy-to-read format. Most importantly, you absolutely included fantastic reflection which addresses all three main questions with depth beyond the classroom.
  • APPROACHING (APP): Your summary got the general gist of what happened in class, but could definitely use some elaboration OR your formatting is not aesthetic OR your reflection may be basic (such as just reflecting on how it can be applied in your schooling instead of the real world).
  • DEVELOPING (DEV): You probably didn’t include a reflective aspect at all or your summary was so minimal it was hard to have any idea what happened in class.
  • NOT YET (NY): Incredibly basic and/or the tone was rude, offensive, or inappropriate for a school, public blog.
  • M: No blog written on your assignment day.

Blog Revisions and Reflections

  • Blogs will receive a mastery grade within 7 days of publication based on the rubric above.
  • Blogs may be revised, edited, and updated if the student would like an opportunity to improve his/her grade. IF the student does opt for a revision, he/she MUST EMAIL ME with a direct link to the published blog to inform and notify me to check the blog again.
How to Blog

Friday, June 11, 2021

George Baslous, Period 5, 4/27/21, Day B

At this current point in time, what specific goal(s) do you have for yourself? Why?

In my previous blog, I mentioned how I was using different methods to fix my sleep schedule, and how I needed to stop procrastinating and leaving all of my work until the last minute. Currently, I am still struggling with solving my issue with procrastination and it has taken a toll on me mentally. I've always felt like if I start assignments that are due the night before they're due, it'll only take me that one night to do it. For instance, if I have a paper due at 11:59 and I start it at 10:00, the longest it will take me to do the paper is two hours. Although this is true, the impact that it has on me is much worse and I never really realized it until now. When I procrastinate, I'm not only delaying my the stress of doing the assignment, but the stress has a snowball effect, and by the time I start doing the work, it's almost unbearable and I end up not being able to deal with it and don't finish the assignment to the best of my ability, or sometimes I don't even do the assignment. This is obviously a big issue and if I don't work hard to stop it now, the consequences will be much worse in the future, especially since I am hoping to pursue a career in medicine.

How do you demonstrate resilience towards achieving this goal? (or these goals?)

Around two months ago I started working early in the morning at 5:00am. I wouldn't say this was my way of fixing my sleep schedule, but since I knew I had something important to wake up to in the morning, I ended up forcing myself to wake up early and since I woke up so early, I ended up wearing myself out throughout the day and sleeping earlier than I was used to. In terms of my conflicts with procrastination, I can honestly and confidently say that it has only gotten worse. In the past, even if I saved work until the last moment, I would at least submit it, but now if I don't feel like I've given myself enough time to do the work, I find myself not being able to start because I'm worried I'll fail. I guess this blog is moreso a 'cry for help' because I feel like I'm at a point where it's hard to decrease the amount of procrastination. I guess maybe I could get a calendar or something similar for my room and start physically writing out due dates for everything so I can visualize it better.

How does the world around you affect your perception of this goal? (or these goals?)

I feel like when people talk about procrastination, they make it seem like a competition of who is the worse procrastinator and at some point it just seems like everyone will end up making a habit out of procrastination. Especially since I feel like my procrastination has gotten so bad, I don't feel comfortable talking about it because it makes me seem extremely lazy and I don't want to be portrayed in that way. Also, since I've been getting stressed about avoiding due dates, I started going out with friends more so I could focus on something other than the stress, and since they hang out a lot, I feel as though they're doing the same thing as me even though they probably just get their work done early on.

Sunday, May 23, 2021

Stanley Zhou, 5/19/21, Period 5, Day B

 Goal Setting & Growth

At this current point in time, what specific goal(s) do you have for yourself? Why?

One of my current goals that I have for myself currently is to take care of my mental health. Since my last goal-setting blog, I have learned much more about myself as a creator on the YouTube platform such as how much my mental health affects my videos. I personally create videos intending for them to entertain an audience and spread some positive vibes into someone's day if they might be having a bad day. This is very difficult to do if my mind and body are not being taken care of properly.

I spent a month uploading video daily on my YouTube channel and felt really good about myself. However, my mental health took a toll because I was focusing so hard on making videos that I sacrificed time with family and friends. Sure it is great to do something you are passionate about but, mental health should be a top priority as it will affect your daily routine greatly.

How do you demonstrate resilience towards achieving this goal? (or these goals?)

Things I have done to achieve my goal are to spread out my upload schedule for videos and spending more time with family and friends. I have a daily routine of what times of the day I work on videos for YouTube and this limitation in my schedule allows me to work on my videos while still being able to spend time with my family and friends before leaving for college. This is the other major reason I have set this goal, and it is because when I leave for college, I won't be able to spend time with family so I need to take advantage of this and enjoy the time before I won't be able to. My parents and I have set up a schedule where half of my week is spent over in my grandma's house and the other half is spent at home with my parents which allows me to enjoy my family's company before I am off to college. This company improves my mental health too as spending time with family is always a stress reliever and happiness boost. Whether it be cooking with my grandma or learning to drive with my dad, I am enjoying my time with my family and balancing my hobbies with life.

How does the world around you affect your perception of this goal? (or these goals?)

I feel like the world around me doesn't put a heavy emphasis on mental health and personal well-being. A motto from a famous corporation is "Just do it", which I use to look up to but now, I can see there is more to it than to just set your mind on something and grind it out until you can't anymore because it is not healthy for your mind or body. It is great to have aspirations and passions but, it is even better if you can balance it with family life, school life, and social life. I feel like the world around me has to put more emphasis on mental health because good mental health will boost your morale and motivation from personal experience and I believe it is a vital part of our everyday lives.

Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Tiffany Zhu, 5/20/21, Period 8, Day C

Tiffany Zhu

Period 8


Day C

Modern Mythology 2021

At this current point in time, what specific goal(s) do you have for yourself? Why?

Currently, I am trying to study for my APs and hopefully score high enough that I will be able to obtain the credits for college. It is really difficult with graduation around the corner and senioritis really hit hard for me. I’ve begun to slack off a lot for my schoolwork. I used to finish all my work early but for the past few months I began to do everything at the last minute including this blog. That is all for academic goals but for myself. Being quarantined for a year and 2 months has been a struggle for me. Personally, I have not been vaccinated due to personal issues that are going on so I haven’t really been able to go out. Seeing all my friends hanging out with each other because they are vaccinated has made me feel very lonely. It isn’t really a big deal but I felt like my social life has taken such a toll. When everyone was quarantined my friends and I just simply hopped on to Discord to talk. Now that many of my friends are vaccinated, it's been hard to find time to talk to them. We still talk but it's a shame that I am unable to partake in these small gatherings. So the goal I set for myself is to be a little bit more patient because I will eventually see them and hope that the feeling of loneliness is temporary.

How do you demonstrate resilience towards achieving this goal? (or these goals?)

For academics, I’ve mainly been doing practice problems for AP Government and AP Calculus. However, I have yet to start AP Biology since I need to finish some content review first. It's been a struggle to focus but I’ve been trying out different study methods in order to achieve the highest grade possible. As for my social life, I told myself to be a little more patient. I understand my parents' concerns about still going out, although it is a little disappointing that I will not be able to attend graduation and see my friends in general. So I’m patiently waiting for my parents to feel comfortable with me going outside and my vaccination. I’ve been going back to some old hobbies in an attempt to relieve my loneliness such as doing arts. Whenever I have the chance I try to hop onto a discord call and talk to my friends about life in general. I really do hope I am able to interact with my friends face to face before we move into college.

How does the world around you affect your perception of this goal? (or these goals?)

Like I mentioned many times, seeing my friends hangout has made me a little jealous. I want to also hangout with my friends but I also have to understand my circumstances. Although I may seem like I am the only one still quarantined, I know that someone one out there is also experiencing the same thing. Instead of trying to dwell on my loneliness, I try to find new ways to keep myself active. Although friends play a huge role in my life, I also have to realize that sometimes it's okay to be lonely and try to find things I enjoy. This situation has caused me to be more understanding of others, sometimes my happiness is important but the people around me are too. 

Vicky Zhou, 5/19/21, Period 5, Day B

Vicky Zhou
Period 5


Day B

Modern Mythology 2021

Goal Setting & Growth

At this current point in time, what specific goal(s) do you have for yourself? Why

How do you demonstrate resilience towards achieving this goal? (or these goals?)

How does the world around you affect your perception of this goal? (or these goals?)

Currently, my goal is to have healthier habits whether that be exercising more frequently or eating healthier. Throughout quarantine, I would have on and off periods of doing home workouts. Around March and April, I stopped doing my daily routines completely and began to snack poorly. I remember back in March, I was happy about the progress I made and decided to take a break. However, once I stopped, it became really difficult to find the motivation to start again and it was easier to be stationary at the computer.

In the past two weeks, my brother has come back from college and we started to work out together. I start each routine with around 10 minutes of jump ropes in my backyard and then we focus on either the upper body, core, or lower body. We’ve also ordered dumbbells to implement into our routine; I got 15lb dumbbells and he got 25lb dumbbells. I’ve tried using his dumbbells before, but I’m still a long way from being able to curl them. Additionally, because we often skip out on lunch, we decided to go grocery shopping together. Over the weekend, we bought a bunch of fruits and vegetables and have been making salads and smoothies in the afternoon. In the past, I would normally eat breakfast around 11 and I wouldn’t start getting too hungry until 4 or 5. But, because my dinner would be around 7, I try not to eat anything, or else I wouldn’t be able to stomach the dinner. The salads and smoothies we make now, has been really helpful in keeping me satisfied without feeling overly full. 

Having my brother alongside me has made it a lot easier to stay committed to being active every day. We typically work out around 6 pm for roughly 30 minutes. During this period, we also just chat and catch up on each other’s day which makes the experience more enjoyable. Recently, one of my friends brought up the idea of taking kickboxing classes. I was really excited about that because I have always wanted to try boxing. Hopefully attending sessions with another person, will keep me motivated.

Monday, May 17, 2021

Michille Zhang, 5/20/21, Period 8, Day C

Michille Zhang


Period 8 

Day C

Creativity & Fiction

On the Loose

“Good Evening, I’m Sharon. We are interrupting this regular broadcasting to bring you the breaking news of an outbreak at a local prison.”

The distant sound of a news report played in the background as I was focusing on my homework. The monotoned and calm tone formed an almost rhythmic melody as I zoned out. 

“The suspect is a serial killer, a man with a snake tattoo located on his neck traveling up to his face. Authorities recommend being more cautious when leaving your home and avoid going out unless necessary. If you spot any suspicious activity contact the police immediately.”

The absurdity of the case caught my attention. “How incompetent were officers on duty to let a serial killer escape,” I thought to myself. “How likely would the killer be in my neighborhood anyway? Nothing interesting ever happens.”

I decided to ignore the reporting as the likelihood of the serial killer being in my exact neighborhood was very low. Though I was a little wary, I didn’t let it bother my daily life much. I patiently waited for news on the ongoing search of the serial killer, which seemed to be going nowhere.

Several days passed and there was no news pertaining to the whereabouts of the killer. Instead, there was news about a killing every few days. Every victim was slaughtered in the most gruesome and violent way possible. There were many signs of struggle on the crime sites, indicating a cruel and slow death. Blood was splattered all over the walls and each killing was signed with a smiley face using the victim's blood. These gruesome deaths pointed towards the killer on the loose. The trend of the various killings didn’t seem to display any patterns putting everyone into a frenzy. Each passing day caused more and more chaos and paranoia. 

One evening, a fight suddenly broke out in my house about who should take a brief trip outside to take out the trash. Though we were all quite worried, none of the slaughters reported occurred anywhere near our own house. 

“Why do I have to take out the trash today?,” my brother, Steven asked. 

“I always take it out, and you never do anything,” I retorted. 

“But I’m too young to die!!” 

“Do I care? Chill…. The serial killer is nowhere near us, you are only outside for 30 seconds anyways,” I tried explaining.

“Why don’t you take the trash out then?”

“Because I’m scared too.” Steven looked at me in horror, as I tried laughing it off. 

After much convincing, Steven finally agreed on the premise I accompanied him to the door and watched his back. The trashcan was located around the corner of our house. It was almost pitch black outside and slightly chilling, only a dim streetlamp illuminated the pathway. I couldn’t shake the unsettling feeling rising in my stomach. 

I carefully watched Steven turn the corner. After a couple of minutes, a blood-curdling scream filled the neighborhood. 


“STEVEN???” I screamed. But, there was no response. I was inclined to move away from my spot in front of the door to go search for him. But decided, “who am I to save him?” as I turned around. 

An ominous presence crept up behind me just as I tried opening the door. A prickling pain jabbed at my stomach as I slowly fell backward and dropped onto the stone-cold pavement. My vision blurred and I could barely make out the figure standing above my body. 

“Great timing isn’t it?” a familiar voice said, as the smile grew on his face. “Everything will just be blamed on the serial killer on the loose.”

I could only weakly manage out a “Why?” as the blood was quickly flowing out from the wound on my stomach. 

“You …. Everything --,” I could only make out bits and pieces of the voice but my vision was slowly turning dark. The last thing I ever saw was Steven bending down to draw something next to my head….

“Good Morning, I am Sharon, your local news reporter. This morning authorities have finally tracked down and detained the serial killer on the loose. He is now being sentenced to death for the countless lives he has taken. Everyone is now free to continue their normal lives without the worry of a serial killer right behind your back!!!!”...