Monday, February 25, 2019

Elias Karounos 2/25/2019

Aim: How is Animal Farm by George Orwell a satirical allegory?

Do Now- List 5 Human Rights
For the Do Now we had to list 5 human rights in order of importance and pick new groups with people who agreed with us. Most people in the class agreed with most of each other's ideas. Everyone liked the idea of Freedom of Expression as well as many other things, but when it came to freedom of life there was some debate about whether criminals should have that freedom.

Today in class we collected our old books Macbeth and gave out new books Animal Farm by George Orwell on top of that we had a large discussion that lasted till the end of class about what rights we should have. Everyone agreed with most of them exept for the debate on Life, Childcare, and equality which we nevactuallyaly decided a conclusion because the bell rang

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