Monday, November 18, 2019

11/18/19 Warren Shum PD 7

11/18/2019- Warren Shum PD.7 
Creation Story Presentations First Group: Alpha Males- Billy Dong, Kevin Chen,
Ryan Chee, Anthony Cheng, Terrance Chung
Culture: Kuba People of Africa Progression of Creation Story: 
- Only Mbombo and the Earth (waterless) exists - Mbombo (god of creation),
vomits water onto the Earth and Sun. The sun dries up the 
water on the earth, exposing land. 
- Second vomit creates moon and stars - Third vomit creates the first humans
and nine animals, from which the rest of animal- kind originated - Mbombo
has 3 sons 
Nyonye Ngana creates ants, dies, is buried by the ants, which in turn
fertilizes the Earth, creating farmable land. Choganda plants a tree
from which all other trees and plants originate. Chedi Bumba creates
the final bird, the kite - Tstse Bumba is a black cat Mbombo created.
She is chased into the sky and turns into lightning. Mbombo showed the humans how to create fire from trees. Modern Connections: 
- Theory of evolution- there were originally 9 animals, from which all other
animals came from. This is like the idea of evolution

1. Which of the following did Mbombo not throw up? 
a. Sun b. Earth c. Moon d. Stars
2. Which of the following was not an animal that Mbombo threw up? 
a. Leopard b. Cow c. Crocodile d. Goat
3. What did Chedi Bomba create? 
a. Earth b. Kite c. Ant d. Plant
4. Who was chased away by Mbombo 
a. The goat b. The black cat c. The tortoise d. Thor
5. Who became known as “God of Earth”? 
Answers: a. Mbombo b. Woto c. Nchienge d. Yima

Second Group: Honda Odysseus: Andrew Rossi, Steven Shi, Georgiy Mamchyn,
William Fedornyak, Michael Zerev Culture: Zoroastrianism (Mazdayasna)
Widely practiced today, originated in Persia (Iran) - Known for being one
of the first attempts at creating Monotheistic religion, one of the 
oldest religions - Avesta- religious text, contains 21 nasks(texts) - Thought to
have inspired Judaism.
Creation Story: 
- In the beginning there was only light and dark, in between which there was a void - Ahura Mazda lived in the light, Ahriman lived in the darkness - Ahura creates 7 spirits, sky, pure water, Earth, plants, animals and also the first man Gayomard - Ahriman created evil things- snakes, demons, witches, and sadness which he uses to  attack the earth. The attack is fended off by Ahura Mazda’s 7 spirits. However, Gayomard dies. - From Gayomards death, a plant grows. The leaves grow into the first human couple Themes: 
- Struggle between good and evil Concepts of Zoroastrianism: 
- Threefold path of Asha- good thoughts, good words and good deeds -
Those that do good will experience good and vice versa - Asha- truth, existence
and right - Druj- lies, falsehood, wrong, chaos, disorder 
- Big Bang- Zoroastrianism claims that the beginning was only darkness,
light and void. Similar to Big Bang Theory. - Tectonic plates- they thought that
the wrath of Ahriman created mountains (similar to tectonic plates) 
1. Who was Ahriman and what did he do? 
a. He created all the evil things- snakes, demons, witches, and sadness, which he 
then uses to attack the Earth. 
2. How did the human race come to be? 
a. From a plant that came from Gayomards body 
3. What was the Avesta? 
a. The religious text of Zoroastrianism. 
4. What is the significance of fire in Zoroastrianism 
a. Fire was meant to represent light and is important in ceremonies
5. What parallels can be drawn between Zoroastrianism and modern society and religion? 
a. Zoroastrianism and Christianity are both monotheistic
b. Adam and Eve, original couple in Zoroastrianism
c. Doing good, concept of good vs. evil. Duality
Reflection: What I thought about the projects 
I thought that both projects did a good job of explaining the creation story.
I was able to follow both stories well and understanding the story. I enjoyed
the first presentation because I thought that they chose a very entertaining
creation story. I liked how the second project talked about the background/history
of the religion and the significance of certain things, for example the significance
of fire. However, I thought that some of the text on the second project could have
been larger. 

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