Monday, November 4, 2019

11/4/19 Erika Yanyim PD 5


• Sophomore 2020 

• Erika Yanyim PD 5 

   Aim: How does Macbeth’s multiple or conflicting motivations    compare with his interaction with other characters advance the plot of develop the theme ?

       After watching a brief video of the movie on what we read on Friday, we were giving some short questions to do, and short discussion with the class, discussing the answers to these questions, some questions we were unfortunately not able to get to. 

1. What does the figurative language used by banquo in the “instruments of darkness” imply?
Imply that’s the witches are using their prophecies to manipulate Macbeth’s trust in them, implying the witches are not trustworthy and are inflicting Macbeth in a bad way.

2. What is Banquos warning to Macbeth?
Banquo is warning Macbeth that the witches may not be trying to take advantage of him and that he should not be so gullible when believing the prophecies. 

3. What is the promise between Macbeth and Banquo and how is it significant 
They promised each other that they will tell each other everything and not hide anything from each other. It is significant since it establishes a strong relationship between the two characters possibly developing or leading to moral conflicts further into the play.

4.  What is the foreshadowing in lines “ There’s no art/ To find the minds construction in the face./ He was a gentleman on whom I built” by King Duncan
It shows that Duncan is extremely trusting to the point where he is rather foolish. It foreshadows that Macbeth might be able to take advantage of Duncan’s trust and end up betraying him. 

5.  With the lines” Stars, hide your fires/ Let not light see my black and deep desires” What do we know about how Macbeth really feels?
Shows that Macbeth is really trying to hide the fact that he’s really being influenced by the witches prophecies from the public.  

8. With the line. “Stars, hide your fires; / Let not light see my black and deep desires.” - What do we know about how Macbeth really feels? 
This quote shows how Macbeth was hoping won’t see his real internal fear, having it be covered by his greatness and m his achievements as a soldier, he is having mixed feelings. In the quote it can be determined that he wanted to be concealed by his greatness, “...sealed by the stars...” which can be referred to as being sealed by god, the stars. 

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