Wednesday, November 6, 2019

11/6/19 Daniela Yevdaev PD 5

Aim: How can we assess Shakespeare’s perspective of Medieval and Elizabethan gender roles through an analysis of Lady Macbeth?

Do Now:

Image result for stars hide your fires"What does this quote highlight about Macbeth's characterization? How is he in comparison to Banquo?
- shows that Macbeth doesn't want anybody to know exactly what he is planning
- Banquo is more humbled while Macbeth is easily duped and manipulated by flattery
- Banquo isn't as strong or powerful but he is a better person in general since he doesn't keep secrets
- Macbeth just asked Banquo to be honest with him but here he is keeping a major secret to himself

How can we summarize what we perceive the roles of women were during the Elizabethan era? In medieval times?
- stayed in the household
- weren't equal to men
- had to obey the men in their lives (father, husband)
- had their own opinions on matters but weren't given the rights to share their ideas like men were
- chose to voice their thoughts by (a) manipulating their husbands, (b) favors, (c) using their influence inside the household to their advantage since they were the ONLY influence in the household
Note: The audience that is watching the play are a part of the Elizabethan era (which was the era of Shakespeare) while the roles in the play are a part of the medieval times (11th century Scotland).

Turn and Talk:
With respect to women what does “milk” symbolize? When defining milk, consider the image of a mother feeding her child what does that imagery evoke?
- symbolizes a connection made between mother and child that can't be made by anyone else
- the child's whole existence relies on the mother
- definition of a woman: kind, loving, and nurturing

Image result for macbeth act 1 scene 5"Interpreting Act 1 Scene 5:
How does Lady Macbeth view her husband? In her opinion, what qualities does he possess, what qualities does he need to obtain? How will she aid him in obtaining those attributes?
- Macbeth trusts and respects her so greatly that he tells her information that he doesn’t tell anyone else
- "I fear thy nature", "Too full o' th' milk" → She worries that he is being too weak and too feminine
- She will whisper her own ideas into his ear as a way to influence his judgement (she practically compares her words to poison)

Student Reflection:
What did I learn?
- During this lesson, I learned about women's roles in Elizabethan and Medieval times. The main idea that we learned was that although they weren't actually given a voice in the society, they found ways to express their thoughts in creative ways. While men were off voting and participating in political events, women were at home able to use their influence to make sure that their own ideas were being put into effect as well.
Why did I learn it?
- Reading act 1 scene 5, we needed to know about women's roles during these eras as a way to fully understand Lady Macbeth and her actions during her soliloquy. She mentioned how once Macbeth came home, she would whisper her ideas into his ear as a way to make sure that they get carried out the way she wants them to. Since she doesn't fully trust his judgement she will practically "poison" his thoughts and replace them with those that she agrees with. This was one of the ways that women were able to use their limited influence in this era.
How will I use what I learned?
- Since this era was known for the gender division between men and women, the information that we found out today about women's roles in the Elizabethan era would be very helpful if this time period was ever brought up again. It would help us understand why women did what they did and how they played a role in the society.

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