Thursday, April 11, 2019

Build Your Own Vampire Project, Modern Mythology, Group 3 Suck My Knowledge

Staten Island Technical H.S. Gods, Monsters, & the Apocalypse
Mr. Mark Erlenwein, Principal Mrs. Kristen Fusaro-Pizzo, Instructor

Build Your Own Vampire Project

Aim:  How can we synthesize multicultural folkloric research to create our own delineations
of a vampire?

Objective: The goal of this project is for your team to create the rules and attributes of your
own vampire universe. While creativity is necessary, research is actually the focal point. The
caveat is that your vampire universe must be based on research your team completes about
stories associated with vampires from any point in time, history, folklore, or fiction.

Rules: Make a COPY of this document and place it in the appropriate folder. Each question
must be completed.  In the area of “justification,” you will include BOTH your written analysis
(can be 1-2 sentences) AND a citation to your research. Please use MLA format AND make
the title a hyperlink so this also serves as a hyperdoc.  

Student Blogger (Presentation): Finally, one student from your team should be selected as
the “Student Blogger.”   I will need the student blogger’s email address by March 27, 2019 to
give the blogger digital access.  Remember, this blog will be GLOBALLY PUBLISHED. The
important point is to properly label the blog (in the tagged area) as “Modern Mythology 2019.”

Grading: Your grade is holistic based on 1) Research, 2) Teamwork, 3) Creativity,
4) Timeliness.  
Teams will SHARE grades, so it is imperative you SHARE the work.

Team Name: Suck My Knowledge
Class Period: Period 5
Team Members: Jacklyn Pinkhasov, Andrew Bauman, Michael Belkin, Michael Murray
& Brian Tutyunik
Student Blogger Email:

Vampire’s Ethnicity: Romanian
In Romanian Mythology there are troubled spirits who resemble vampires known as
‘’Strigoi”’ or in English ‘’nightwalkers’’ which are said to have risen from their graves after
death if they were not given a proper burial to wreak havoc and bloodshed upon the community.
In Romanian Folklore there are essentially 2 kinds of nightwalkers. There are the dead creatures
who rise from their graves, and then there are the ‘’Pricolici’’ who are born with tails and are a
vampire and werewolf fusion. Our vampire is known as Abe, and he is a werewolf and vampire
fusion. He was born with a tail to a large family, and due to his disability and the legend behind it,
his family left him in the street to fend for himself. Abe does not know who exactly his family is, but
as he grows and strengthens it is his goal to find them. He is known as a hybrid (werewolf and
vampire) which are much stronger than vampires or werewolves alone.

1. Revolvy, LLC. “‘Pricolici’ on” Revolvy

2. “Strigoi: the Romanian Origin of Vampires.” Transylvania Hostel, 30 Nov. 2015, hostelcluj
.com/strigoi- origin- vampires/.

3. “Hybrid.” The Vampire Diaries Wiki,

Vampire’s Abilities:
  1. Can freeze people by touch
  2. Transform into animals
  3. Mind Compulsion
  4. Day Walking  
1. In Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure, the vampire Dio Brando can freeze people by touch. The first
instance of this was in Season 1 Episode 8 in a fight against Dire. Abe has a similar ability,
where he touches someone and he can paralyze or ‘’freeze’’ them. He can also undo this as

2. Since our vampire, Abe, is of Romanian heritage he has attributes and characteristics
that come specifically from Romanian Folklore. One such strength is being able to transform
only into animals, specifically werewolves. In order to shift into an animal he must roll over on
the ground 3 times. At the moment, Abe is only able to transform into a werewolf, however as
he explores and masters his powers he will broaden the variety of animals he can take the shape

3. Our vampire has the power of Mind Compulsion which is the ability to control and in a way
hypnotize another living thing through eye contact. Compelled beings follow the instructions and
words of the vampire who compelled them.

4. Because our vampire, Abe, is a hybrid he posses both the strengths and weaknesses of the
parent races. Much like in The Vampire Diaries, hybrids possess the ability to walk and fully
function in the day and the sunlight without any protection.

1. Araki, Hirohiko. “Jojo's Bizzare Adventure.” Season 1, episode 8.

2. “Strigoi: the Romanian Origin of Vampires.” Transylvania Hostel, 30 Nov. 2015, hostelcluj.
com/strigoi- origin-vampires/.

3. “Mind Compulsion.” The Vampire Diaries Wiki,

4. “Day Walking.” The Vampire Diaries Wiki,

Vampire’s Weakness(es):
  1. Garlic
  2. Can only enter when invited
  3. Chewing

1. Because our vampire Abe is a hybrid he is by far the most powerful and dangerous
species. However, as Romanian culture states, garlic is one of his greatest
weaknesses. In order to keep such vampires away you not only have to cover your
body with garlic but you must cover your windows, doors and chimneys as well.

2. In ancient Europe there was a deep fear of such violent species such as vampire and
as a result the idea of vampires not being permitted to come into a house unless invited
in by the host arose. To be able to enter any building, house or place Abe has to be invited
in by the owner. While this is a weakness, due to his enchanting and seductive nature,
Abe easily wins the trust of people.

     3. Our vampire is a direct descendant of Count Chocula. Because of this, he inherited the
count’s biggest weakness, chewing. If someone attempts to chew on our vampire this
will hurt him tremendously


1. “Strigoi: the Romanian Origin of Vampires.” Transylvania Hostel, 30 Nov. 2015, vampires/.

2. Remington, Xavier. “Why Can't Vampires Enter A Home Without Being Invited?” Ask
Mystic Investigations, 5 Aug. 2017,
vampires-enter-a-home-without- being-invited/.

3. Banken, CoCo. “The History of Our Monsters.” A Taste of General Mills, 18 Oct. 2018,

Vampire’s Reproduction:
  1. Bite
1. Abe transforms humans into vampires through a simple yet effective means, through
his bite. When Abe find his victim, he bites them on the neck, causing them to pass out
and wake up the next day pale and ill. Then over the course of that day they slowly turn
into a vampire.


1. Beswbesw. “How Does Dracula Turn People into Vampires?” Science Fiction & Fantasy
Stack Exchange,

Vampire’s Camouflage:
  1. Strength of Mind Compulsion
  2. Gold Eyes
1. As said before under the strengths, Abe has the ability of Mind Compulsion. This power
specifically plays a vital role in keeping the existence of vampires and hybrids a secret. Abe
is capable of controlling humans and when put in a difficult position, using his mind compulsion
he erases their memories, and as a result the secret of vampirism is not spread. This is one way
he lives amongst the humans, without suspicion.

2. Abe sometimes does not feast on human victims. When deep undercover, Abe sometimes
feasts on animal blood to prevent his eyes from glowing red with a vampiric glow. When feasting
on animal blood Abe’s eyes glow gold instead of red, allowing to easily be concealed within the
human population.

1. “Mind Compulsion.” The Vampire Diaries Wiki,

2. Coates, Meg CoatesMeg. “Why Did Edward's Eyes Not Turn Red When He Feeds on
Human Blood?” Science Fiction & Fantasy Stack Exchange,

Vampire’s Home: Sesame Street
Count Von Count is a famous vampire that lives on Sesame Street. Our vampire lives with
The Count on Sesame Street and helps him say the number of the day each and every day.


1. Street, Sesame, director. Sesame Street. YouTube, YouTube, 7 Sept. 2018,

Vampire’s Preferences: babies, corpses, animals, solitary travelers

According to Romanian Folklore, even to this day people living in the rural area are attack
by ‘’abnormally large wolves’’. These ‘’wolves’’ attack only solitary travelers, much like Abe
does. This is mainly because it is safer and easier.  Abe also feeds on babies because of his
messed up childhood. He deeply resents, the fact that his family abandoned him while he was a
baby and as a result those are his prime victims. In Romanian culture, it is common for mothers
to throw a rock after a baby is born to try to divert the ‘’Pricolici’’ from their young ones.
Furthermore, when food is scarce or too dangerous to get, Abe obviously has to feed on animals.

1. Dolick, Raven. “Vârcolac and Pricolici, the Werewolves.” The Social
Network for the Occult Community,

Vampire’s Kills :

November 30 also known as Saint Andrew’s Day is the official beginning of winter in Romania.
On this day specially the species and animals evident in the folklore come out to wreak havoc
and compete on who can bring the most misfortune. This is one of Abe’s favorite days and he has
become notorious for wreaking immense amount of blood shed in Sesame Street. His main goal is
to find the family who left him, and he will wreak havoc until he does so.


1. “Strigoi: the Romanian Origin of Vampires.” Transylvania Hostel, 30 Nov. 2015,
strigoi- origin- vampires/.

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