Thursday, October 8, 2020

Nick Feng, Period 5, 10/06/20, Day B

Nick Feng


Period 5 

Modern Mythology 2021

At this current point in time, what specific goal(s) do you have for yourself? Why?


This pandemic has made it impossible for me to achieve many of my past goals. Currently, my goals are very simple. I want to complete my college application and apply to most of the colleges that I would like to attend. My second goal is to get back in shape as a runner. Before the pandemic, I was in great shape and more motivated than ever. However as the pandemic worsened, I began to stop training. Now I have to start all over again, but I am confident that I will eventually be able to be back in shape. I am going to be patient with my goals and balance them with my school work. My goals may become extremely difficult, but I hope I will stay motivated to continue moving forward.

How do you demonstrate resilience towards achieving this goal? (or these goals?)

The college process has been very confusing and stressful at times even though it has just been the beginning of it all. I have demonstrated resilience by putting a large portion of my leisure time towards completing my college applications. The more difficulty I experience, the more time I would spend to complete it. I have also been consulting others for help and researching about the process online.  For my track goal I have demonstrated resilience by taking part in virtual exercises with my team everyday, even when I was unable to run. I try to keep myself in shape in ways that I can at home and prepare myself for when the pandemic ends.

How does the world around you affect your perception of this goal? (or these goals?)

The current world around me has changed my perception of my goals by making my view of my goals become more realistic. The pandemic has proven to us that in life anything can happen. No one would have imagined our nation becoming the way it is now. Everything seemed to have happened so quickly. This has taught me that along with hoping for the best, one also has to prepare for the worst. No one expected the pandemic and everyone had the hopes that it was going to end really soon. We’re now heading towards the end of the year and it has started to worsen again. Things in life may not  always head towards our expectations and that is the same with the outcome of my goals. When my college decisions are revealed, I want to hope that I get accepted, but I also need to be prepared to face defeat. Even if I work hard to submit my applications, I may not be accepted to the schools I want. Same goes for my track goal. The hope is that a vaccine is developed soon and competitions will be fully back. I might be able to get in great shape again, but I may not be able to put my fitness into use.

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