Thursday, March 4, 2021

Evan Wortman, 3/5/21, Period 8, Day C

Evan Wortman Period 8 3/5/2021

Day C

Blog # 2

At this current point in time, what specific goal(s) do you have for yourself? Why?

A problem that I have been dealing with recently is that I am constantly oversleeping and that even when I do wake up, I have a hard time getting out of bed. Most of the time I do not end up going to sleep until well after two in the morning which in turn causes me to be overly tired when my alarm goes off in the morning. That’s why the majority of my classes over the past few months have been attended from bed on my phone. It had reduced my participation, raised my procrastination, and worst of all most of the time I do not even feel like I am learning anything because I am just too tired to take in new information. The one goal that I have set for myself, that I have been trying to fulfill now for around two weeks, is to go to sleep earlier, wake up well-rested, and most importantly get out of bed for my classes.

How do you demonstrate resilience towards achieving this goal? (or these goals?)

I demonstrate my resilience towards accomplishing this goal by attempting to go to sleep earlier daily and by waking up and getting out of bed for class. As soon as I decided that I had enough of my bad habit of attending class from my bed, I created a sleep schedule on my phone. What this does is that it reminds me to go to sleep fifteen minutes before I set my bedtime which I have set for twelve-thirty and it sets off an alarm at eight-thirty in the morning every weekday. After I created this sleep schedule, however, I realized that it had not truly even begun to solve my problem. My main issue and the thing holding me back the most is that after my alarm goes off in the morning, I usually just go on my phone and can not get myself out of bed. It is so bad that most days, even though I am awake from eight-thirty for classes I do not actually get out of bed and start being productive until after three in the afternoon. This is terrible because not only does it ruin my classes for me but it also does not allow me to even start being productive until late into the afternoon. This is just a cycle because if I do not start working until late then I will not be able to go to sleep early and thus my entire goal will become impossible to fulfill. I am trying to demonstrate my resilience by working towards forcing myself out of bed in the morning because I know that every time I get out of bed earlier, I have a much more productive day.

How does the world around you affect your perception of this goal? (or these goals?)

 The world that we are living in now is completely unique and nobody can ever really compare the times that we are living in to anytime in the past. My goal of trying to fix my sleep schedule and get out of bed earlier is being heavily affected by the world that we live in. For instance, I am in my senior year of high school and all of my classes are completely online. I have already applied to college and at this point, I have a hard time finding an incentive to really get out of bed and have a productive day. Furthermore, one of the main obstacles that really prevents me from getting out of bed when I want to is the fact that I do not have to. Since all of our classes are online and I have the capability of attending them from my bed, there is nothing really making me get out of bed. When we had school in person, I would always get out of bed on time because I knew that if I did not, then I would be late for school. The fact that there is nothing preventing me from staying in bed is my main problem and is why I got stuck in this loop in the first place. 

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