Saturday, September 14, 2019

9/13 Summer Reading Project- Michelle Chung

Michelle Chung Period 5
Blogger #3
Fahrenheit 451 Project

Objective: What happened prior to the beginnng of the novel and what would drive humans to make the choices that they do in the text?

Today, we were introduced to the Fahrenheit 451 Summer Reading Project. The assignment is to design a meaningful book cover that you feel would best represent a potential prequel to Fahrenheit 451. Feel free to get creative and use whatever artistic style you prefer (whether it be hand drawn or digitally created).

But that’s not all. Be sure you are able to back up your argument with a presentation. Whether you are lecturing or creating a PowerPoint, try to convince your classmates that your groups’ vision is the strongest.

As for my group, we came up with multiple ideas for the cover. One of them was a “political cartoon” type illustration to represent the propaganda and corruption in Montag’s society. We felt that the government’s need to suppress its people’s individuality indicated that they knew they were in the wrong. Perhaps they feared that the people would figure out their scandals and thus resorted to censoring any means of communicating controversial topics to others. This is just one theory.

Overall, I think that this project is a fun and creative way to express your thoughts on the book. It’s not just about restating what you just read, but rather, digging deeper and thinking of how it came to be. Most projects revolve around making predictions about the future, but this assignment allows us to look back on the past— to take the information we have, and disect it to figure out its history. This project will give us the skills to think critically and teach us to look beneath the surface (both of which would be extremely helpful for future assignments).

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