Thursday, September 19, 2019

9/19/19 Matthew Keeler PD1

Aim: How can we prepare for our Summer Reading Projects presentations?

Do Now: Start finishing up your projects. Make sure you are ready to present first thing tomorrow. 

We were taksed to design a book cover for the prequel to The Road. Our cover has to illustrate what happened leading up to the post apocolyptic world that was portrayed in The Road and what drove humans to make the choices they did within the book. Along with the book cover we have to have a means to present the cover and it's meaning, such as a powerpoint, video, or a lecture.

My group took the approach of there being a meteor strike that struck the Earth leading to all the natural tragedies and lack of resources. We developed this from all the ashes that were laying waste all throughout society and the fact there supplies were very scarce. Our cover was split in half to illsutrate how life was like before the strike and then the other half gives an introduction as to the beginning of the chaos. We used symbols such as the sun to represent hope as well as an old wanderer to show the struggles that people had to deal with now looking for resources to survive.

I believe that this project was a very fun and effective way tp reflect on the summer reading. Not only was it a way to refelct back on the book, but it allowed us to view The Road with a deeper knowledge and think about what could have caused humanity to take such a transformation. I would not change the project as I feel that it is better for peope to collaborate and put all their idea together fir this project rather than sitting down and being tested on it. 

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