Thursday, September 19, 2019

9/18/19 Jacob Fox PD1

Jacob Fox
PD 1

Aim: How does the conclusion of The Road highlight the allusion of the boy as a christ figure?

Do Now: Carrying the fire spirit reading from 277-end

What is the metaphor and symbolism of the fire?

Fire is a symbol of rebirth, and the coming of a new generation. The boy carries the  torch, bearing the flame of a new era

Christ figures - from how to read literature like a professor

How could the boy qualify as a christ figure?

    Believed to be a “god” by the father
    Extraordinary compassion in a bleak world
    Rises from his father after three days
    Carries “the fire”
    Carries the responsibility of his father 
    Fish at the end
    Cup of water to the father

Meetings with Ely - why does the old man choose this name when there are no names in the book?

Biblical allusion - Eli was the father who lacked parental authority

His sons shamed him by doing wrong and being blasphemers, but he did not punish them, and as a result, they were executed and he died of a broken neck (from falling) and a broken heart.

Why does the father tell “Ely” that his son is a god?

The existence of the father is devoted to his son. The father sees the future of the entire world in him, and believes he has the power to change everything.

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