Tuesday, September 17, 2019

9/17/19- Fahrenheit 451 Book Cover

Laura Fan, Blogger #5
Sophomores, Period 5

Objective: What happened prior to the beginning of the novel and what would drive humans to make the choices that they do in the text?

Today, we continued to work on our Summer Reading Project, where we work in groups to design a book cover and story for a prequel to Ray Bradbury's Fahrenheit 451. These covers must consider what motivated the characters' choices, and include important themes, symbols, and motifs. Afterwards, we will present our ideas to the class, trying to persuade everyone of our argument.

Our theory is based around the government controlling the population by requiring all mothers to get a C-section, so they can genetically modify their children, creating a society that conforms to their expectations. This ideal population relies on technology, and prevents any chance at rebellion. Eventually, mothers came to accept this requirement, thinking it was what was right, and began to neglect their children.

Our book cover depicts a doctor as a puppeteer, manipulating people while books (banned because may inspire rebellion) burn in the background.

This project encourages critical thinking, using evidence from the book to build our own ideas, since Bradbury keeps details like the ending vague. It also promotes group work, which is something we will all have to use in the future. Personally, I enjoyed debating different theories, and then figuring out how to use the novel to support them. I also enjoyed the art component where we design a cover, because we thought about the most effective way to represent as much of our theory as possible.

Project requirements:

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