Friday, September 13, 2019

9/13/19 Daniel Choi PD1

Aim: How does "The Road" ask its readers to explore the extremes of violence and compassion?
Do Now: Write down the name of the two most important people in your life.

For the do now we picked two people and Ms. Fusaro asked us who we wanted to save and who we wanted to sacrifice from the two names we chose.

After the do now we talked about perspective and how that influences us in seeing good or bad. For example if there is a war between two countries, each side is going to think they are right and the other side is wrong. It's all about perspective.
Then we discussed about the boy in "The Road" and how much compassion he had throughout the novel. In the novel the boy is extremely compassionate towards everyone he sees even if they are bad people such as thieves. We also discussed how the dad is the complete opposite because he is aggressive towards everyone he sees.
In the end we worked on our summer reading projects for 5 minutes.

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