Tuesday, January 14, 2020

1/13/20 Colleen Jiang PD7

1/13/2020 Colleen Jiang PD 7
Modern Mythology 2020
Group 4 Baldur Than You 

Aim: How can we analyze the myths of Balder and Loki to determine the importance of attention to detail, hospitality, and love in Norse society? 

Group 6 started off with a do now where the class discussed the following question.

Do Now: Explain how each of the following shows the importance of detail: 
  • Mistletoe 
  • Hod’s blindness 
  • Loki’s house with four doors, his plan and counter plan 
    • Billy says this shows how Loki has like 360 plans where he looks at all different views 
    • He pays attention to every detail 
  • Kvasir, the net, it’s ashes 
    • Ryan said they wouldn’t have been able to catch Loki if they didn’t look into the ashes and see the net 

We moved onto another slide where we address the question: 
    • Why Do We Kiss Under The Mistletoe? 
  • Her tears fell onto the mistletoe which blessed it which is what started the tradition to kiss it 

  • Class Discussion 
  • What do you think the myths we read are trying to tell us about the significance of paying attention to detail?
    •  Steven says that it really brings to light that everything you do should be done properly because attention to detail is important 
    • Shannon says it’s ironic how it’s Loki who missed a detail seeing how he is always the cunning trickster outsmarting everyone else 
  • Big Takeaway Slide 
    • It goes both ways. Paying attention is how you get something done. Don’t pay attention, and there will be consequences. 
  • The Norse value a battle of wit and smarts 

  • Hospitality 
    • Observations made by….
      • Dejon says it’s seen in this banquet where it’s super disrespectful on Loki’s part to be calling them out here 
        • But Loki has a blood bound with Odin which makes him untouchable so his behavior is passed as okay 
  • Class Discussion 
    • Now discuss what the significance of hospitality is in these myths and relate them to Norse society, Compare and contrast with Greek Mythology 
      • Ryan recalls the story of Dionysus where this ship captain was very hospitable to him and shows how you should be very hospitable because you don’t know if anyone important will cross paths with you 
      • Billy says they’re blood brothers so they have to treat each other well so you have to treat close ones really well
        • In norse tradition you’re supposed to bring a gift so your host will treat you very well 
      • Rossi says it is very Loki of him so it’s like him stepping all over this very well known thing of being hospitable is something he would do
      • Cornelia says that despite the fact that their oath is important, the gods should have respect and honor for each other 
    • Hospitality is related to and based on honor 
      • This is why Odin respects that oath even with Loki’s actions 
    • Short Video telling us how to say I Love You in Old Norse by Mrs. Fusaro’s favorite person Jackson Crawford 
      • The verb love is not similar to the verb for love but more similar to the word grant so it’s I grant you love not I love you 
        • Love is a motivator for a lot of other emotions 
          • We feel pain from love just like gratitude and anger 
          •  His wife sacrifices her life to forever hold a bowl above Loki’s head 
        • Love is a powerful emotions. This is why it’s important to bestow it and not just give it to someone 
    • Class Discussion 
      • Kelly gives us an overview of the importance of each object 
        • Fire shows the honor brought by love 
        • The bowl shows the sacrifice 
    • Quiz Time
      • The questions were made everyone think and really “pay attention to detail” 

Student Reflection: 

From today’s lesson it taught me the value of love and how its meaning differs in Norse society. The diverse values of their society has proven to be very intriguing in the entire week of lessons we covered. Honor was a repeating principle found in every aspect of their lives from birth to death. Today in particular touched upon love as something that was bestowed which was strange to me at first. Generally the word bestow was something I personally associated with royalty and status but after watching the Youtube video and the Spirit Reading, it’s really touching to learn how they felt like love was a gift to bestow and not carelessly give away. We also learned about hospitality which shared aspects with Greek mythology we previously learned. These lessons have been partially common sense but also unique with their applications in the myths. I didn’t know the origin story of mistletoe before learning in Norse Mythology. 

I think the lessons we have all learned were valuable at our age particularly. Love is something that we will experience in our adolescent years that will impact how we view relationships. If the Norse knew it bestow love rather than carelessly giving it away, it’s something we can learn too. I think it was also important to learn about paying attention in an aspect other than in school. It could become useful in sports and even just everyday life. It’s a reminder to give thought to everything we do it and all of the possible outcomes. 

I will personally apply the lessons I learned by thinking about my own choices and paying attention to possible outcomes. The choice of falling asleep or wasting away 4 hours watching Netfilx will become an easier decision made. Using the love advice will also show to be useful as I grow up. Hospitality is also very important with everyday life in the sense of treating everyone with respect and showing respect to those that are older or above you. 

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