Tuesday, January 28, 2020

1/28/20 Abanob Shehata Period 5

Abanob Shehata Period 5
Sophomores 2020

Aim:How does the author's use of setting demonstrate issues in the U.S. justice system?

We started off the period by receiving our Macbeth final tests back. We asked about any questions we were confused on and Mrs. Fusaro answered them. Then Mrs fusaro gave out the points earned from the Macbeth act V project. Then we had to write a journal entry discussing the do now.

So we made journal entries. I personally wrote about how I would feel miserable and annoyed at the others. I would probably having feelings of exhaustion and along with that I would feel like I needed to convince the eleven to agree on something so that we could all get out. After a little while, we shared out some of our answers. Some classmates said that they would be very frustrated, and it would be impossible to work something out and  there would be lots of disagreement with some people being hostile and screaming across the room. Another response that was said is that we can use the one thing we all desire in order to get out. So simply since we all want to get out of the room then we should all agree with each other. Another classmate said that this kind of reminded him of a Jury because 12 people are trying to agree to make an agreement because they want to leave the room. After that we set up the room by moving desks in order to have six desks on each side facing each other. Then we looked at the list of characters of the book " Twelve Angry Men" and wrote what our name on the white board next to the characters we wanted to play.

 Mrs. Fusaro then pointed out the location of important props that were gonna be used in the play such as the window and some cough drops. After that everyone changed to their reading seats where the judges were at the front facing each other and everyone else was behind them.
Mrs. Fusaro then gave us an overview of the book and describing tomus how the book was originally a T.V show and later on became a play. The book is written in contemporary English which means it is easy to understand. We also learned that the book would have lots of commands that are not going to be read and we just have to do what is said. We weren't the best at it but with some work we can improve drastically. There is no direct characterization and so indirect characterization makes us figure out who the characters are. After that bit of information we started reading Act one of the book. A little bit into the reading Mrs. Fusaro stopped us and explained to us the definition of the word premeditate. Using its roots pre and meditate we figured out that it means to think about before. We also learned that homicide means murder. Now an example of indirect characterization is when the Guard looks at the judges and declares that the boy has no chance therefore giving us clues of characterization. At this time the bell rang and so we left off at page 14.

Reflection: So today in class, we learned a bunch of facts about " Twelve Angry Men" such as that it used to be on T.V before becoming a play. We also learned about the author's choice of characterizing the characters indirectly as in the example of the Guard quickly judging that the boy has no chance by just looking at the guards. We also learned some new vocabulary today such as premeditate which means thought about beforehand.The do now helped me sort of understand what I learned because it made me really feel as if I was there and put me in the situation where I had to ask myself what I would do. A lot of the information I learned today will be used throughout this book and in future books because it made me take a deeper dive into characterization and how it's portrayed by some authors.


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