Monday, January 13, 2020

1/13/20 Joshua Ng PD5


Blogger #19
Joshua Ng Period 5

Aim: No Aim

Do Now: Presentations

  Today was the start of group presentations that we've been working on for the last week. Each group was tasked with acting out a scene from Act V of the novel, Macbeth, and teaching the class about the significance of the scene through the use of an online presentation. The groups will be graded on various acting skills, teaching abilities, and individual + group work.

  The first group was given Act V Scene 1, which showcases how insane Lady Macbeth has become and a doctor and a gentlewoman trying to take care of her. The group went to the front and began acting out the scene with emotion and authenticity.  They played night and cricket noises in the background to give the scene a more natural mood. The student playing Lady Macbeth was particularly impressive, as his facial expressions, hand movements, and voice acting were on point.
After completing the reenactment, the group followed it up with a slides presentation with first high-level questions for the class to discuss and answer. An example is:
  -What does Lady Macbeth uttering the words of her conversation with Macbeth tells us about her mental state so far?
  -The class discussed this question and the answer explained was "This showcases the guilt and pain that Lady Macbeth is going through."

  After these questions were discussed the group proceeded to the next slide, which included the analysis of key quotes from both Lady Macbeth and the doctor in the scene. The group thoroughly explained each quote and what it contributed to the scene as a whole. Afterward, the group put on a Kahoot game about this scene, which was engaging and somewhat challenging.
  The next group, (Macdeath), was faced with Act V Scene 2, which depicts the Scottish force, in rebellion, marching toward Birnam Wood to join Malcolm's English army against Macbeth. This scene is the main scene which established most of Macbeth's men completed the transition from Macbeth's ally to a foe. As the group entered the front of the room, they marched with war drums in the background, adding to the war atmosphere, a nice touch. They then acted out the scene, with each student playing a different character to their best capabilities. Afterward, the group asked us questions on this chapter, further analyzing each pivotal moment and action. Finally, the last slide consisted of a Kahoot for the class to play, with the theme being Act V Scene 2.

  Reflection: Today the class started the group presentations for our Macbeth Act v scene reenactment projects. The groups' efforts to act out these scenes were full of effort and brung these scenes to life. The google presentations after the scene reenactment were also very helpful for the class to understand the scenes even more. For example, the quote analysis was very helpful as it elaborated on the already important quotes from the various characters and brought them to more light. The Macbeth projects were a huge success and I applaud the groups who showcased their talents.

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