Tuesday, January 14, 2020

1/14/20 Marcus Liu PD 7

Marcus Liu PD 7

AIM: How did the medieval Anglo-Saxons use figurative language to develop the oral tradition?
Do Now: What connections can be drawn between the Norse and Beowulf’s history?

Main thing common throughout all of their ancestors was the glory of war. They were very heroic like just like the vikings
Early Anglo-Saxons did not write anything down like the vikings.
Vikings were pillagers but they also produced agriculture. 
Stock-Epithets= adjectives that point out special traits of particular persons or things(usually compound adjectives) Achilles as “swift-footed” 

Why would God choose Abel’s sacrifice over Cain’s?
Abel gave his best livestock to the lord while Cain just gave the lord some ordinary crops. Cain didn’t put in the effort of choosing the right sacrifice. 
What lessons are intended for people to learn from this story?
A lesson we can take from this is to not expect much if you don’t put in as much effort compared to others.
Is there ever retribution for the sins of our parents?
Adam and Eve were the first sinners, and Cain was the first sinner on Earth. All of Cain’s descendants will also be sinners which proves the point that there is retribution for the problems your parents cause. 

Student Reflection
What did I learn?
Due to the vikings voyaging they had major influence on places like Sweden where Beowulf takes place. Ideas such as dying a courageous way or glorifying war are some of the influences the Norse had. As well as the connections between Norse and Beowulf we also learned about the significance of effort as well as the reasoning behind god choosing Abel’s sacrifice over Cains. 
Why did I learn it?
Learning about the connections between Norse and Beowulf gives us an insight of how the people in Beowulf might act or think. The story with Abel and Cain teaches us that you should not expect too much if you don’t put in the required effort. As a result of Cain giving god some ordinary crops and not the best, he was not rewarded. Abel gave the lord the best of his livestock and not just a regular sheep.
How will I use what I learned?
In life, you will need to put in the effort in order to achieve a better result. You will not get a raise if you just do an average job which is why it is necessary to go above and beyond with what you do. 

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