Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Julia O’Hara 1/14/20 Period 5

The first group to present was Mickey D’s and they presented Act 5 Scene 3. They used probs such as a crown for Macbeth, a sword, etc. In the background, they used a wind sound with animal noises in the back. 

  1. The doctor says how Lady Macbeth is not so sick but is just troubled with thick-coming fancies. Macbeth seems very dismissive and just tells him to just cure him. This is just an added stress added to everything else going on. 
  2. He didn’t prepare for battle like he normally would, he was hasty. This is because he believes that no one can kill him based on the witches prophecy.
Above is a key quote analysis in this scene.

The next group to present was Ross and they presented Act 5 scenes 4 and 5. They also used sound effects such as wind and props such as a crown and swords. I really liked how they handed out actual wood. 

  1. Macbeth is indifferent about it, he doesn’t engage as it as if he cares.
  2. It refers back to the prophecies about how Birnam wood will come to Dunsianne. 
  3. Macduff and Seward came up with a strategic plan and Macbeth has a reckless attitude. 

Summary of scene 4:  Scottish nobleman discuss to cut down Birnam wood to disguise. 

Reflection: Overall these projects were greatly executed. The questions asked really helped me understand the scenes that had just been read. The only downfall to the projects were that most of the time was spent on discussing the questions so the analysis of quotes and stuff related to that were briefly explained and rushed through. For example, group 4 did not get to finish their analysis of key quotes and they didn’t get to play their kahoot. I learned that when teaching a lesson such as this, one should allot a good enough time to allow the students to discuss the questions but also to be aware of the time that is left. Analysis of the quotes and explaining the scene is just as important as the question. I learned this because I saw how the groups spent most of their times on the questions and had to rush through the rest. Since I did not present yet, I will use what I learned today in presenting my project tomorrow, especially since I am the one who is reading the questions. 

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