Tuesday, January 28, 2020

1/17/20 Matthew Marlin Period 8

Matthew Marlin, Period 8
Modern Mythology 2020

Today in class, we had a reading check quiz on the basics of Beowulf and
grammatical structure. We then proceeded to learn a very important lesson about
the importance of independent learning. Independent learning will be essential in
our next steps in college. We then did a dramatic reading of pages 16-18, which
helped us better, understand the Grendel story we were going over during this

From our reading we learned that Grendel uses people as food, which almost
allows us to sympathize with Grendel because we think he simply needs to eat.
However, the word feasting make us question his motives again because of the
connotation of enjoying the meal. Feasting also references sins (gluttony) and
Grendel overall represents sin. 

During the class discussion we also talked about how Beowulf had to defeat
Grendel without using any weapons. This showed us that to defeat sin, people
cannot use any tools, it is based on faith. During the class discussion we also talked
about how Grendel is a descendant of Cain. This implies our common theme in the
class so far, that we are the monsters. This combined with the previous lesson
about how to defeat sin show us that you and only you can defeat the sin within
you by owning up and facing yourself, instead of allowing fear to gnaw away at
you as it did to Grendel.

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