Friday, January 17, 2020

1/17/20 Georgiy Mamchyn PD 7

 Aim​: How does Beowulf’s battle with Grendel demonstrate the murkiness of good and evil?
Activity #1​:
Take the quiz

Activity #2​:
Trade quizzes with your group members and grade

Inspirational Speech​:
● Going to college we will be within big groups of people so it's crucial to find a group of
people that one can study and learn with.
● Majority of the people get 100s in things they don’t know much about.
● In college you won't be able to communicate with the teachers as much as in high school.

Quiz Review​:
1. Kenning:
 ● Wakeful sleeper. 1. Stock-epithet:
● Strong hearted.
1. Grendel's genealogy is being relate to Crain.
2. Unferth is the Human antagonist in the story. He killed his brother just like Crain did. He
shows that even people can act like monsters.
3. Beowul tore off Grendel's arm.
4. People were terrified and were scared to attack him and thus were losing men.

Ms. Fusaro reads chapter 8 starting page 16. Alex continues reading.
Steven continues reading.
Allan continues reading.

Class discussion​:
 Question 1​:
● Does the fact that Grendel uses people as food change your opinion of him? Does the use of word “feasting” in the story affect your answer?
○ Instead of eating out of necessity he is feasting which means he is taking enjoyment out of eating human flesh. Which means that instead of a starving animal he is a monster. The fact that Grendel feasts on people is ironic as Danes at Herot feast on food and animals.
 ○ Grendel is a cruel beast and has no moral monster and should be put down like a cruel animal that he is. (- famous quotes by Steven)
○ Swords wouldn’t work because you had to use your own hands to take down the evil.
○ You can't kill evil with physical pain (subdue) Beowulf doesn’t kill Grendel he ripped his arm off and he fked
○ If Grendel is evil you can't kill evil.

Question 2​:
● Why could none of their weapons pierce through Grendel? What about if we consider
the metaphorical representation of what he is? What us significant about the fact that Beowulf could only defeat Grendel with hand to hand combat?

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