Thursday, November 12, 2020

Abdallah Safa, Period 2, 11/10/20, Day A

Abdallah Safa
Period 2
Day A

· At this current point in time, what specific goal(s) do you have for yourself? Why

          At this moment in time, I suppose my main goal would be to develop a better time regime. I am beginning to realize that my current time management mistakes are beginning to lead to stressful situations that simply are not worth the time spent on video games. I believe there is a time and place for everything; balancing out schoolwork alongside having fun with friends is perfectly manageable. However, with the added stress of college applications, my whole equilibrium developed while in quarantine is becoming thrown off. More specifically, my goals for this week would be to finish my supplemental essays and revise my common app and send it off to my early decision school of choice. This is all while managing my multiple AP classes and leaving no time for any outside fun. I have already cut out some early action schools since they do not necessarily provide any advantage compared to a regular decision in order to keep the quality of my essays up. Once I finish my early decision school application, I cannot wait to develop a schedule where I could have my routine fun while being productive for my regular decision applications in January. I hope not to repeat the mistake I made months ago, where I do close to nothing when all I have in the world is free time, and once deadlines begin to close, I cram and isolate all fun out of my life.
          Another goal of mine is to work on the quality control of some of the work I am putting out for my lower importance pieces. I can say quite safely for my highly important pieces of writing, such as my common app and supplements, even with an unpreferable amount of time, I can get to work at night and really focus on my essay. However, this takes away focus from my schoolwork, and as a result, I find myself making up late work quite often. Coincidentally, I am writing this blog the day before it is due; hopefully, I achieve this goal before I submit this in!

· How do you demonstrate resilience towards achieving this goal? (or these goals?)

           Regarding resilience, the best I can say is that I am quite streaky when it comes to managing my time and becoming productive. Within 2 hours, I can do what most can do in 4; however, you could probably make a lot of money betting. I will not do anything else that day. In times of need, I could work on my laptop for hours on end, focused on whatever the task maybe, but I am probably done for the day as soon as I get up for a break. So the resilience towards achieving my goal has been relatively lackluster. However, a consistent demonstration of my resilience is my planning. I have extremely detailed schedules as to what I must do that day and at what time. If I follow these schedules, I should finish all my work and have plenty of time to have fun due to the time we save from a fully remote school. However, as nice as my schedules are, most of the time, they do not get followed and hence a continued theme of my lackluster resilience.

· How does the world around you affect your perception of this goal? (or these goals?)

            The world has drastically changed the way I try to achieve my goals and may contribute to the problems my goals hope to fix. First and foremost, this world for the perfect student is probably benefiting the student due to the amount of time there is within the day. With classes ranging from 2-4 hours a day and with the loss of commute times and the need to wake up very early, this could give someone the perfect amount of time to get everything they need to get done with lots of time to spar. However, I am not as disciplined as the perfect student. This world has resulted in catastrophic sleep schedules and an uncharted amount of laziness on my end. The increased rigor, in my opinion, from online classes added to the fact we have college applications has really taken a toll on my time management as I find it hard to allocate hours on end for both on the same day. Through this world, I believe all students can agree with the realization that school is, in fact, fun for us students. I think we can all agree that at one point or another, we have discussed how much we could not wait for a Friday or how cool homeschooling would be. The lack of real social interaction with our friends has us in a near zombie-like state where the whole time we are at home, we cannot be productive. It seems as if during this quarantine that the only thing I can do on my computer is open up a video game. Microsoft Word does not seem to exist.
           These next couple of days or weeks will test my time management and productivity. Despite being on a tight schedule due to cutting back on certain things such as early actioning some schools, I believe I will be able to finish everything on time and with great quality. Even if I meet these goals, I do have some catching up to do on lost work during my common app spree. With this relatable problem I believe all seniors are having, I wish us all luck!

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