Sunday, November 8, 2020

Tiffany Pan, Period 2, 11/4/2020, Day A

Tiffany Pan
Period 2
Day A

Goal Setting and Growth

At this current point in time, what specific goal(s) do you have for yourself? Why?
    In the midst of Covid-19 at its peak, it grows harder to set goals and systems and exponentially harder to stick with routines and habits in hopes of pursuing these goals. The world seems to be dragging all of us down everyday, as we read headlines that seems to only strip our remaining optimism. However, at this moment right now, I don't want to lose motivation in my work and hobbies, or let my passions get lost in the mess that we call reality. My main goal as a whole would be developing myself as a person and that includes both aspects of my academic and personal life. More specifically, I want to be able to still make the most of this school year and all that it has to offer. Although school is mostly remote right now, I still want to make sure I'm able to stay motivated in terms of understanding and connecting the information that I'm learning in more creative classes, but also stay focused while learning new concepts in more number and logic focused classes. In terms of my personal life, my goals revolve around delving deeper into my hobbies, including more unique ones. To me, hobbies are a nice way to remind myself that no matter how dark the world gets, there are still going to be things that you love doing out there and a reason to carry forward. Moreover, with new hobbies and work piling up, another goal of mine is to be able to time manage better. Sometimes, the 24 hours we get within a day just does not feel like enough time to do everything I'd like to do, but recently, I've realized that managing your time properly makes a big difference. It's a personal goal for me to be able to figure out what I want to accomplish in one day and how much time I should be giving myself to complete each task efficiently. It forces me to be more aware of tasks that I'm spending too much on, as well as prioritizing certain tasks properly. All in all, Covid certainly has brought bad times upon us in all aspects of our lives, but I believe in a way, it also gives us a chance to improve on ourselves and achieve these specific goals that we set. 

How do you demonstrate resilience towards achieving this goal? (or these goals?) 

    Certainly, it's been getting harder to go outside and for outdoor activities to take place. I recently picked up skateboarding over quarantine (no tricks, just plain ol' cruising) and sometimes, it's been a struggle to find the chance to be able to go outside and skate. However, I've been very persistent about asking my mom to take me outside, since she's very wary of me going out alone. Despite COVID restricting me from constantly going outside, I made the most of my time when I was allowed to go out. Now, I'm able to properly skate with no problem and I'm still constantly looking to improve the next time we go out. In addition, towards time-management, I've started to write down tasks that I need to complete by a certain date and procrastinating less by planning out my day. Sometimes, I fall into the hole of getting caught up with distractions and waste a day away, but time management is definitely still something I'm still improving at. 

How does the world around you affect your perception of this goal? (or these goals?) 

    The only person I've been around is my mom during this past quarantine. She's helped me immensely with my time management and goal of personal improvement. Everyday, she loves to listens to podcasts and watch shows that constantly encourage improvement, and it inspires me to take steps that allow me to be a better version of myself. She makes my perception of this goal become much more realistic and practical. My mom allows me to see that my goal with improving time management is very much attainable, as long as I actively work on it. Although the world does drag us down at times, my mom is a figure that continues to be my light every single day, whether in terms of reaching my goal or just becoming a better person. At times, the world around me does cause me perceive my goals as much more unattainable, especially as times get tougher and the city gets messier. However, I'm constantly reminded by the people I love that everything will be okay, and to hold onto my goals. 

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