Sunday, November 8, 2020

Stanley Mui, Period 5, 11/8/20, Day B

Stanley Mui


Period 5

Seniors 2020

At this current point in time, what specific goal(s) do you have for yourself? Why?

    During this current point in time, I have many goals that I want to achieve for myself. First of all, like everybody else, I want to be able to complete all of my common apps and CUNY college applications. I am not applying for an early decision, so I still have some time to write my essays and answer all of the questions that the colleges are asking. However, this is very hard for me because I have a hard time balancing my time between school work and working on my college applications. So I want to set this goal and make it a priority because I want to get into a good college, and it takes a lot of hard work and sacrifices.
    In addition, having this much work on my shoulders, I am feeling more stress and anxiety than I ever had before. As a result, it is difficult for me to sleep at night because of the constant stress and procrastination. I am sleeping at 4 A.M every day. This is a bad habit that I developed because of staying at home. It is affecting both my life in school and outside of school. In school, I feel like I’m beginning to slack off because of the lack of focus and sleep. I’m not putting in the effort to succeed, and I am not doing my best in school. Outside of school, I’m talking less to my friends and family because of my lack of energy and COVID-19. Therefore, I want to set a new goal for myself to sleep earlier so that I can be the best version of myself. Also, I want to study more and take my work more seriously.
    Finally, due to the weather and the pandemic I am not physically active. Since the start of the pandemic in March, I have put on 5 pounds of weight which is not ideal. Without access to gyms and playing sports with my friends, it was hard for me to keep my physicals in check. I’m not happy with the weight I have gained, and I want to be more physically fit and active by the end of this year. I have even bought some resistance bands and weights to help me gain muscle and get the body that I want and feel comfortable having. I don’t want to feel self-conscious about myself and my weight gain. That is why I want to set a goal for myself to be more physically active and to gain more muscle for the benefit of my health, physically and mentally.

How do you demonstrate resilience towards achieving this goal? (or these goals?)
    I can demonstrate resilience towards achieving my goals by making a daily plan and schedule to help me manage my time better. I feel that my time management is the root of most of the problems because I’m continuing to push things back, and I don’t have the initiative to start my work. If I make a solid game plan to make sure that I write all of my essays early, I don’t have to worry about them later when I have school work to complete as well. I also want to continue to eat healthier and make time after school to make sure that I can get my workouts in. Including the gym equipment that I have just bought, I can also use items around the house to substitute workout equipment. In addition, I feel like I can also demonstrate my resilience by continuing to motivate myself to maintain a healthy lifestyle. I want to do this by continuing to sleep earlier and to spend more time studying. A way to keep me motivated could be a reward at the end to help create an incentive for me to work harder. This is also important because college life is going to be way tougher, and I need to build these skills now to prepare me for the future. Lastly, I want to have a more positive mindset and emotions to help me towards achieving my goals. For me, I can be very harsh on myself, and I’m mostly a pessimistic person so I want to change that and be more positive. Instead of worrying and having so much stress I should be happier and use a more positive approach to help me solve my problems to achieve my goals.

How does the world around you affect your perception of this goal? (or these goals?)

    The world around me affects my perceptions of these goals greatly. We are still currently in a pandemic that has affected the lives of many people. It has also affected me because since we are currently approaching what could be a second lockdown, we have to stay at home. Being at home helps me keep the focus on what I need to do without outside distractions. I can spend more time at home and allow me to finish all of the work that I need to get done for college. Also, with the election results coming up, there is a nasty political climate that is beginning to form between the two biggest political parties. America is right now a very divided nation that is not allowing for the peaceful transfer of power. This affects the perception of my goal because it makes me motivated to make a difference in America. Seeing the chaos and the fighting between the people in our nation, it makes me want to continue working and attend college someday, and make a difference in the world that we live in today.

Student Reflection:

    Overall, after writing this blog, I realized many of the strengths and weaknesses that I have. Both as a student and adult learning to become integrated into society. I feel that by taking my work more seriously and using my time wisely, I will be able to achieve the goals that I have set for myself. I know that if I’m able to motivate myself, I can also complete these goals. I can demonstrate resilience by having a positive mindset and creating a schedule and a plan to help me reach my goals as well. As the world around me is hurting, I know that through my hard work and perseverance, I can achieve my goals. I can not only improve as a student in the classroom but also as a better human being who can make a difference in the world.

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