Friday, November 6, 2020

Nethya Samarakkodige, PD8, 11/3/2020, Day C

Nethya Samarakkodige
Period 8
Day C

Socio-political Consciousness

1. What are your thoughts and feelings about issues of inequity, oppression, and/or power?

During this past year, many issues regarding inequity, oppression, and power struggles under our government and socio-political systems have become more concerning. As a student, I didn’t pay much attention to elections or events in politics that occurred prior to 2016 because of my young age, but in recent years, I have become increasingly aware and passionate about political issues that concern the rights and livelihood of the American population. Unfortunately, multiple groups, such as racial and religious minorities, the LGBTQ+ community, and women experience inequity and oppression every day. There are multiple clear instances of inequality and oppression in our country that have become normalized or blatantly ignored, such as the gender wage-gap, systematic racism, and a struggle for equal rights for women and LGBTQ+ individuals. We as a country have become more divided, to such an extent that people are worried about their safety and expecting an eruption of anger and violence in reaction to the results of the 2020 Presidential Election, no matter who wins.

Issues such as police brutality, homophobia, climate change, and sexism are still controversial and debated topics, rather than concerns that are actively being resolved. There are many areas for improvement in our country, but I am optimistic about improvements that will come with future elections, as younger people find their voice and have a say in the government. I think it’s extremely important for younger generations to become knowledgeable and form their own opinions politically in order to make educated decisions because it directly impacts peoples’ rights and access to a happy, healthy life.

2. How do you reflect critically on your own beliefs, assumptions, values, and experiences and how these can influence your perception of self and others?

I reflect critically on my own beliefs by making sure that I am considering the rights of people in America despite race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, etc. I also try to respect and understand the reasoning behind people with differing beliefs. My personal values definitely impact how I perceive myself and others, and while tolerating all beliefs is important, equality and equity for all should be the ultimate goal for us as a country. It’s important to acknowledge the fact that the rights and freedoms of marginalized groups should not be politicized, but as adolescents, we are still forming our opinions and learning how to make a difference.

I also think that it’s difficult to get accurate and unbiased information from many news sources, and social media complicates the matter even further. I try to reflect critically on my beliefs by forming educated opinions using multiple sources and facts, rather than blindly following reports. Ultimately, we are all inherently biased, especially when it comes to socio-political beliefs, but I believe it is important to remember that there is always room for improvement, growth, and maturity.

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