Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Ryan McMahon, Period 2, 10/30/20, Day A

Ryan McMahon, Period 2, 10/30/20, Day A

Blog #1 - Goal Setting & Growth

At this current point in time, what specific goal(s) do you have for yourself? Why?

Right now, I am just trying to get through the college application process. I am applying to 10 colleges (I know it sounds crazy but I am a very neutral person and haven't even visited most of them due to Corona, so I can't eliminate many) so I have to write like 15 essays and fill out like 8 individualized profiles, it is really a lot of work. I have to attend virtual tours, college representative meetings, and virtual info sessions every day, I have to wake up early on the weekends to hop on college Zoom calls that I'm too tired to pay attention to, and I have to do the work for 2 advanced courses and 3 AP classes on top of that. My main goals are to just get all this application stuff over with and work on my school grades which have suffered slightly due to stress from deadlines and my parents. I would also like to be improving myself physically, emotionally, and mentally (reading more, regularizing my sleep schedule, working out more, and eating better) but as of right now I am absolutely swamped with work and can't handle anything else.

How do you demonstrate resilience towards achieving this goal? (or these goals?)

I spend several hours every day doing school work, I attend many college info sessions to learn more about my perspective colleges, I have to research and apply for as many scholarships as I can for each of my schools, and I am slowly but surely getting through all my applications and writing my many personal essays. I could be doing more (I often procrastinate schoolwork or put off essay writing until close to the due dates) but I am only one high school student. I just find resolve knowing that, come January 15th all this will be over and I can focus on just trying to enjoy the remnants of my shattered senior year.

How does the world around you affect your perception of this goal? (or these goals?)

Currently, the country is coming to a breaking point and everyone is mad about everything, every discussion turns to politics and talks about racial and socio-political issues, no one can just talk candidly about how they feel or their goals, they are too focused on the media, unimportant political squabbles, and other macro issues to focus on their personal relationships and life. The turbulent times our nation is in does not give me hope towards my goals. I doubt any of it will affect my process of applying for college but it may have serious implications for my future. Will colleges look kindly upon a straight, white, Christian, middle class, male, or will they say I am too privileged (though I know I am) and reject me or give me no scholarship opportunities? Will possible civil strife affect my chances at education and employment in my field in the future? Will someone dig up things I've said online when I was 12 and cancel me in the eyes of the public, killing my chances for the future? Will my family's opposing political views cause unneeded stress in my home (spoiler alert, yes)? Will a group of rioters sweep through my community and destroy things? Will we continue to have more of our constitutional rights taken away? Who knows, all I can say is that nothing happening right now paints a good picture for anybody's future.

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