Saturday, November 14, 2020

Edward Fishman, 10/15/20, PD 5, Day B

 My current goal is to finish my college applications so I can continue to have fun in my final year of high school. Although the world right now has other plans for me and my peers I'm sure that everyone can persevere and make it out of where we are right now. I have been trying my best to keep up with this goal but with the amount of work given by teachers as well as the isolation from the pandemic has taken its toll on my ability to sit down and just get something done. However everyday I am closer and closer to fulfilling what has been driving me for a while now. 

I demonstrate resilience by staying up late into the night to work on these things, either the applications themselves, supplements, or work that's keeping me from doing the former 2 examples. The world around me has been validating my goals recently, the notion that without college you can't be successful has been shoved in my face for the past 17 years of my life and its culminating with my addition into the debt ridden, mentally exhausted, permanently hung over group known as undergraduate students. Boy I cant wait. 

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