Friday, May 1, 2020

4/30/20 Eri Dumesh Period 1

1- What is it like working from home?

I personally do not enjoy working from home. I find that a zoom call cannot function with more than a few people. Also, I have many privacy concerns regarding software that is widely used. The sad truth is that the innovation of the internet is too new for a complete shift in the educational scene. It has a myriad of problems with security, hacking, and unauthorized access. This time should be taken for light review and work, and focusing on health and family. 

2- Your own personal feelings and thoughts about what is happening right now.

I feel our house-confinement is an excessive move, but has to be done. Being the land of the free also gives us the title “land with the most responsibility”. It is unfortunate that we cannot trust the people in our country to be safe and stay at home, but it is the grim truth of a terrible pandemic like this. Hopefully, by summer we will be able to leave our houses and work like normal because in my opinion, this is an unsustainable lifestyle to continue. Our life has been changed permanently, and it seems like now we are more concerned with watching the news than the people around us. 
 3-. What are the updates around the world/community regarding the virus?
As of May 1st, there is still a lot of uncertainty in the air. Many are looking for quick testing kits and possible vaccines, but we are in more of a controlled state. There was much more widespread paranoia in the days before this, so you can say that we are seeing the light in the storm. So far, over a million people have recovered. 3 million have been infected and we are unsure what the future lies.

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