Friday, May 1, 2020

Anna Liu 4/27/20 Period 2 - Blog #3

April 27th. 2020
Anna Liu Pd 2
Modern Mythology 2020
What is it like working from home?
  • Working at home has completely flipped my life around as it might have to many others. Doing schoolwork is what keeps me in check and brings a little order back into my life. Some teachers continue to hold calls which is nice. It gives us a way to imitate a classroom setting through a screen.. The workload given by most teachers is fair and manageable. Even if it seems hard to work while stuck at home surrounded by distractions, I find the work giving me a sense of balance in these crazy times.
What are you learning about your world/community based on the reactions?
  • While stuck in this pandemic, we have learned a lot about our community and how it is growing even more divided as accusations grow and cases rise. The first thing that I have learned about was the rise of xenophobia and it hurting an entire race. In my neighborhood, a predominantly Asian community, there have been so many cases of hate crimes and harassment stories. It brings up worry in everyone that people would attack others just because of their race even without connections to the virus. The second thing I've learned is that people are very condescending when others don't follow what they consider a safe way of living. People are quick to hate when they see others going out for non-essential reasons, when they see people protesting and when the government or the department of education announce new regulations or more bad news. Lastly, I've learned how much of an affect paranoia has on people. It causes irrational thoughts and actions such as buying so much of something that it becomes so scarce that it drives up the  prices and hinders lives of those who can barely afford it.
Your own personal feelings and thoughts about what is happening right now?
  • My personal opinion is that I am as heartbroken as the seniors in the sense that we are losing what was supposed to be one of the most important years of our lives. However,I personally haven't had anyone close to me contact the virus and I know many people are probably suffering a lot more loss than us so for now all we can do is stay at home and hope for the best so that at least we can enjoy our college years. For now to make the best of our situation, people should focus on spending some time with their loved ones and use their time in quarantine wisely. Learning new hobbies, watching new shows and calling friends have kept me occupied and sane during this long break. I hope everyone stays safe and in time we'll be out of our homes thinking we took staying at home for granted.

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