Wednesday, May 6, 2020

5/5/20 Jia Yan Jiang Period 1

Modern Mythology 2020
Jia Yan Jiang #13
Period 1

What is it like working from home?

There are positives and negatives about working from home. On the bright side, working from home is more relaxing compare to being in school. Most teachers give more time to let us complete the assignments. I don’t need to wake up early for school, instead, I can sometimes even wake up in the afternoon. However, after a week or two, I feel unmotivated. I was slowly pushing back all the work. I feel myself being very unproductive and slacking. Although the school will be closed for the rest of the school year, I was hoping to return school before the announcement. Going to school gives me a set schedule to complete certain tasks. These days, I’ve been trying to wake up early and have my work done instead of procrastinating. I am slowly setting up a schedule for myself and I hope I can keep following that schedule.

What are the updates around the world/community regarding the virus?

The virus has been declared a pandemic by the World Health Organization. The United States still has the most cases of the coronavirus. The number of people who have died from the virus in the U.S. passed 70,000. The number of cases in the U.S has not dropped since we discovered the first case in the U.S and yet many states are already planning to reopen. With summer being around the corner, beaches in Florida are already reopening. People are not realizing how powerful this virus is. Many people are still hanging out with their friends on the streets and in the park as if nothing is happening.

Your own personal feelings and thoughts about what is happening right now.

This virus showed me the dark side of this world. The people’s reactions are just unbelievable. The virus seems like a joke in many people’s eyes. Many Asians are being attacked for no reason. Just because the first case was confirmed in Wuhan, China, that doesn’t mean every Asian you see has the coronavirus. I went out with my mom to get food and supplies for the family and I cannot believe what I saw. Instead of just grabbing what you need and return home, I saw people hanging out with their friends and just simply taking a walk as if nothing serious is going around in this world right now. This virus exposed the selfish side of humanity. They are not realizing how much their actions can affect others. For example, if everyone stayed home instead of protesting and hanging out, this quarantine could’ve been shortened but now they are just dragging it on longer and longer.

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