Monday, May 4, 2020

5/4/2020 Michelle Zhang PD5

Michelle Zhang
Blogger 33
May 4th, 2020
Sophomores 2020 Period 5

What is it like learning at home?
Many people have different opinions on how it is like learning at home. Personally, I don’t really like it. I get that the times to do work are more flexible but I’ve always had a lot of troubling focusing while doing my work. I focus a lot better in a school environment and when there is someone looking after me. The classes are much harder for me now because some teachers have a google meet lesson and others don’t. So when there isn’t a google meet, I have to teach myself and that takes a long time. The assignments aren’t that hard to complete but I’m really bad with time management so I struggle to complete my work. Also the teachers that haven’t been assigning a lot of work are now assigning work. I also feel like the block periods for each class aren’t enough for me to complete my work. I end up spending more time doing my work now compared to when we had school in person. 

What are you learning about your world/community based on the reactions?
I am learning both positive and negative things about my world now. In general, I feel like when all this started happening people were panicked. They didn’t know what was going on and everyone was clearing all the shelves in supermarkets. That I feel like was a normal reaction. Now that we’ve been home for almost two months now, I feel like some people have stopped caring as much. I know so many people that are still going out and hanging out with their friends. I don’t think this is smart and it is selfish too because without “social distancing” more and more people will get infected and we will have to stay inside even longer. It has helped me see how some people will stop following the rules when it’s inconvenient to them or if they don’t like what they hear. But this also has showed me that there are good people out there too. I really admire those working in the medical field and risking their lives to help others. I also love how many people different people from all around the world are donating money and supplies to help those in need. Although there are people who haven’t been following the rules, I love how some people have done things from the goodness of their heart.

Your own personal feelings and through to about what is happening right now.
At first, I was naive and I thought it wasn’t a big deal when I heard all the news of the corona spreading. I didn’t think it was going to personally affect me or my family so I just put it at the back of my head. I think the first time I realized how serious everything really is was when there was that first case at New Dorp. I didn’t think it would come anywhere near me and all of a sudden it was literally right next to me. I stopped going to school after that and many other kids did too. I think we were all in shock and disbelief. A couple days later when de Blasio cancelled school until April 20th, everyone was so surprised. I remember myself being speechless and at that time it was so imaginable that school would be cancelled for a whole month and I would have to stay inside. It was a bit hard for me to adjust at first because I don’t think there was one day in my life where I stayed inside and didn’t do anything. But that month went by so fast and the next time when they announced that schools would be close for even longer, I wasn’t even surprised. It’s so sad how we all have to experience this in our lives and how staying inside feels normal now. I really am looking forward to the day when we can finally go outside and see our friends without fear of harming each other.

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