Thursday, April 15, 2021

Amy Li, PD2, 4/16/21, Day A

Goal Setting & Growth

At this current point in time, what specific goal(s) do you have for yourself? Why?

    My goals at this point in time are to spend time with my friends and to keep my studies and academics up. Many of my friends and I have received our college decisions, and soon, we will have to make a decision about which college to attend. I realize, that as we head off in our own separate ways, we may become distant from one another. In addition, we have no outstandingly fond memories of our senior year. So while we are still high school seniors and together, I would like to create some opportunities for my friend group to meet together and create some memories.                                              My second goal is to keep my studies and academics up. After all my college decisions were released, it became tempting for me to become lax in my academics. However, I know this can't be the case because of the AP tests and the possibility of the college rescinding their offer. So, I have made it my goal to keep myself focused and productive until the school year is over.

How do you demonstrate resilience towards achieving this goal? (or these goals?)

    For my first goal, there is difficulty in getting all my friends to physically meet up at the same place and time. There is also the matter of the vaccine, as some of us are not able to get it as early as others. So, what I decided to do is host a game night, usually on Fridays, where my friends and I can play multiplayer games online together. Some other ideas I have for our virtual meet ups would be watching a movie together, or just talking to each other. As for my second goal, I wrote post-it notes reminding me about upcoming deadlines and stuck them on the sides of my computer monitor. Since I spend most of my day at the computer desk, it will be easy for me to notice these notes and stay on top of my work. 

How does the world around you affect your perception of this goal? (or these goals?)

    I found that the warmer weather helps pick up my spirits whenever I feel stuck in a rut. After being stuck in my house for so long, just looking outside and taking a breath of fresh air refreshes my mind and clears it of clutter. It has proven especially useful in motivating me to stay focused on schoolwork. Seeing the beautiful weather outside has also made me proactive in securing a vaccination. Every time I look outside, I can imagine my friends and I playing volleyball and drinking refreshments, all the while having fun. Overall, the world around me pushes me to achieve my goals and to not give up in the last stretch of the school year. 

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