Monday, April 19, 2021

Raquel Jimenez, 4/20/21, Period 8, Day C

Raquel Jimenez   


Period 8

Day C

At this current point in time, what specific goal(s) do you have for yourself? Why?

     At this point in time, my goals are mostly centered around college and preparing for that. I still have a few months until I leave but I’ve always been a planner so I’m thinking about this stuff now. I’ve been looking into housing and with housing comes looking for roommates. In my last blog, I mentioned wanting to be more social which still remains one of my goals. Another goal of mine is to stop procrastinating. I used to be the type of student who would do everything as soon as it was assigned. Being at home has changed me, but not for the better. I tend to keep pushing my assignments to what feels like the last second. Before college, I want to change this new behavior I have developed. 

How do you demonstrate resilience towards achieving this goal?

     I’ve worked on my first goal by putting myself out there more. With social media, it is super easy to be able to find new people even before meeting them physically. I am actually starting to take advantage of this. I’ve followed a few accounts run by students to introduce the incoming freshmen to each other. Additionally, I’ve completed surveys to allow people to get to know me better so I can find a roommate. After completing these surveys, I was able to find some girls that match me and have actually connected. 

      As for my second goal, the best way I get myself to start working is just by writing out what needs to be done. Being able to see everything that I need to do lets me visualize the work. Having a To-Do list gives me motivation, once I complete a task I get the satisfaction of crossing that off the list. When I am really in a time crunch, I make an actual schedule that I tend to stick to. Knowing that I have set aside a certain amount of time makes me push myself to start working which is what I need. 

How does the world around you affect your perception of this goal?

     My goal to be more social was probably formed partially from social media. It helps to meet new people but it also lets me see other people’s lives which can add some pressure to want to be the same. I see people that know people going into college. While there are people from my school going to the same college as me, I am not close to them. This is what is pushing me to try to get to know others before I arrive in the fall. I know that I shouldn’t try to be like other people, but social media has just allowed me to see that I don’t have to go into college with that extra pressure of not having any familiar faces. 

     Since I am a remote student, I don’t have to physically submit assignments as I might have before. This has made me procrastinate which I did not before being a remote student. Time, in general, has just turned into what seems like infinity so in my head, I have all the time in the world but I really don’t. Luckily, I’ve come to the realization that I’m not going to be able to do this in college, and if I do, I’m just going to stress myself out by piling on all my work at once. As a future engineering major, I know I’m going to have a lot of work so I need to manage my time better than I am currently.

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