Thursday, April 15, 2021

Winona Liu, Period 2, 4/15/21, Day A

Winona Liu 
Period 2
Day A 

Goal Setting & Growth 

At this current point in time, what specific goal(s) do you have for yourself? Why?

In the past, I would have imagined that the last few months of senior year would only be about making lasting memories with my friends. Now, I realize there is so much more to do in addition to that. College is not just about packing up my items and leaving. I have to prepare and learn to cook for one. Furthermore, especially with the new format, I need to study for my three AP exams. I am also trying to do more exercise because like many of my classmates, I sit at my desk in front of the computer way too often. In the midst of all of those goals, another goal I have for myself would be to prioritize my mental health. I find that I am able to be there for other people, but not for myself. Especially with limited activities during COVID-19, I get stressed from academics. Other times, I am stressed but I don’t necessarily know what I am stressed about. Ms. Fusaro once told the class that if you are not in the right mental state, there is no point for her to teach the class. Thus, I would like to focus on my mental health more and a good mindset will help me accomplish my other goals.

How do you demonstrate resilience towards achieving this goal? (or these goals?)

I have been talking to my cousin about what he had to learn or wished he had known before going to college. I have been waking up earlier so I make use of the time before classes. With the new schedule, I have three full hours uninterrupted rather than 45 minutes in between. Furthermore, I have been trying to study at least a chapter from my review book per day. Regarding exercising, I have been using an app that tracks my workout progress. Maintaining a longer workout streak has been satisfying. For my mental health, I know that spending time with my friends and watching Netflix help clear my mind. My friends regularly schedule facetimes and I go on walks with my friend who lives near me. I allocate time to watching at least two Netflix episodes per day and sometimes use the Netflix Watch Party. Also, I listen to music when school work becomes overwhelming.

How does the world around you affect your perception of this goal? (or these goals?)

While I have physically more time during quarantine, it is a lot harder to stay motivated to accomplish my goals. I also find remote learning exhausting at times and at times, I put off activities like exercise that do not seem necessary. While accomplishing my goals are difficult, I try to remember what Ms. Fusaro says: “Forward is a pace.” Even if I just worked out for 10 minutes or studied just one chapter, it is better than nothing.

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