Tuesday, April 13, 2021

Prince Zhang, Period 5, 3/22/21, Day B

Prince Zhang    

Period 5


Period 5

Day B

Goal Setting & Growth

At this current point in time, what specific goal(s) do you have for yourself? Why? How do you demonstrate resilience towards achieving this goal? (or these goals?) How does the world around you affect your perception of this goal? (or these goals?)

    During these precarious times, my main goals are to lighten up my time in quarantine and to help others. As a high school senior, most of our time is spent stressing over school. Now, as college admissions are rolling about, it puts another weight on our shoulders as we have to choose where we will spend the next four years of our life. Additionally, as covid-19 cases are currently going down, more opportunities at school are opening up. Being an upperclassman on the track team, I yearn a potential outdoor season and another chance to see the team reunited. Due to quarantine, days have become monotonous, but these two things bring color back into the picture. Going back to my goal of helping others, comforting my friends and being a good leader on the team are my biggest priorities. To complete my goal of lightening up my time in quarantine, I have spent more time practicing piano and training for upcoming races.    

    Starting with college, many of my friends are torn between different colleges or rather have gotten bummed out over unexpected results. When asked for an opinion, I give my perspective on the pros and cons of each choice and hopefully aids in clearing their indecisiveness. As for running, since I have been allowed outdoors, I started to get back in shape in hopes to score points for my team. With a new training regimen from my coaches, I hope to gain fitness along with getting motivation from potentially running with the team again. As for piano, in between classes, I try to get a few run throughs of a new piece I'm learning (Winter Wind Etude Op. 25 No. 11). Both piano and running give me that gratification of progress as I'm consistently seeing improvements in my times and going through more lines of the piece.

    While many people are beaten down by the isolation the pandemic brings, I see it as an opportunity to improve myself while the world is in a standstill. Even smaller things like drinking more water or going to bed at an earlier time have remarkable effects on both my health and well being. I hope to set an example for others that being at home isn't necessarily a bad thing and that the extra time allows one to pursue their hobbies or even discover a new one. So whether I'm practicing piano or going for a morning jog, I do my best to brighten up my day, one step or note at a time.

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