Tuesday, April 13, 2021

Brice Joseph, 4/13/2021, Pd. 2 Day A

 Brice Joseph

Modern Mythology


Period 2

Goal Setting & Growth

At this current point in time, what specific goal(s) do you have for yourself? Why?

At this point in time my main goal is deciding where I want to go for college and what I want to do with my future. I feel as if I am stuck in the decisions process, almost like I am waiting for something to happen. With all the college decisions released, I am finding trouble in picking one. On top of picking a college, I am also focusing on exploring myself and my interests to head into college with. I find that choosing something that I really enjoy is difficult and in order to pick a college, I would need to find that answer first. College is important to me and I want to make sure I go knowing how I will come out, so these goals are my top priority. Especially with the deadline to pick a college soon, the intensity is picking up and it'll only be a while until I make my decision. Another goal I have at the moment is passing the AP Exams. This year, I feel like AP exams will be harder for the reason that it has become harder to learn in the online setting. Information has become harder to retain and I feel as if that will make the AP exams a bit more challenging. Especially with college decisions around the corner, studying for the AP exams keeps getting postponed in my life and its not as easy to focus on one thing at a time.

How do you demonstrate resilience towards achieving this goal? (or these goals?)

I feel that I have demonstrated resilience towards achieving these goals in various ways. From the beginning of the college process, I have passed through the all the challenges that it brought my way like writing essays or doing research while also maintaining schoolwork. Right now, even though I feel stuck, I am not letting myself get lost and am persistent in finding the best college that fits me based on the ones I got into. As for the career path I will go down, I have been discovering my interests and finding ways to answer the question as to what do I want to do for the rest of my life. Listing my interests has helped me greatly in helping me understand that I want to build my career around technology. Now, the final task I face is finding out which part of technology (engineering or computer science). For my goal of passing the AP exams, I have been making a schedule where I have my day organized and able to allocate my time into different things during the day. I'm not the type of person to make a schedule but I found that in order for me to reach this goal, I would have to make a schedule. This method of scheduling has helped me a lot in being generally organized and being able to accomplish more in a day compared to just doing whatever is available during that day.

How does the world around you affect your perception of this goal? (or these goals?)

The world around me motivates me and helps my achieve these goals. I'm not the only one in the situation, some of my classmates and friends also share the same goals as me. For example, during our check-ins in Myth class, I realized that other people are in the same boat as me. Knowing this made me more comfortable and also helped me realize that I'm not in this alone. Also, seeing my friends be able to discover what school they are going to and what major they will pursue, motivates me gives me hope as well as encourages me in my personal journey. Also, seeing that other students feel that they have not learned a lot in the online setting on social media has made me less anxious in that I am not alone. The world around me has positively helped in my goals of choosing a college and career as well as passing AP exams because it gave me a sense of reassurance and comfort as well as a degree of relatability.

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