Monday, April 19, 2021

Ryan Hourican, 4/19/21, Period 5, Day B

 Goal Setting and Growth

At this current point in time, what specific goal(s) do you have for yourself? Why

My goal for right now is to start going out more. I've been looking forward to everything that I would've done this year but sadly most of it never had the chance to happen. Now that there's a vaccine for COVID and that the weathers starting to get better, I finally have the opportunity to get outside and have some fun. Also, the stress of where I'm going to college is gone so thats an even bigger reason to get out and do something; it's time to celebrate. Of course I will be remaining safe the entire time but I just can't wait to see all of my friends again.

How do you demonstrate resilience towards achieving this goal? (or these goals?)

There isn't much that I can do at the moment because all there is to do is wait. I've kept in touch with everyone and they're all just like me in the sense that they can't wait to start doing things again too. We've thought of a lot of ideas of what we can do and where we can go so once the weather starts becoming nice I know that I'll be outside almost every day.

How does the world around you affect your perception of this goal? (or these goals?)

The world around me has a mix of helping me achieve this goal and slowing me from getting there as well. Most of the people who are close to me have the same feelings as I do which is that I should go out as much as possible. They want me to see my friends, go do something fun, and enjoy my senior year. The part that's slowing me down and stopping me from getting to my goal is the fact that COVID is still a thing and we can't just ignore it. I'm hoping that things become the way they were again soon so that I can enjoy my last summer before college.

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