Monday, April 12, 2021

Sarah Hanglow, 4/13/21, Period 2, Day A

Sarah Hanglow

Modern Mythology


Period 2

At this current point in time, what specific goal(s) do you have for yourself?


Recently I’ve been very stressed out with the idea of committing to a college.

My current goal is to make a decision about where I want to go and be happy

in my decision. I alsi want to be able to make some small changes in my life.

For example I’ve always wanted to wear contacts instead of glasses. Going

forward I will practice putting them in and taking them out everyday. I know I

will be upset with myself if I do not achieve the goal of being able to wear contacts

by the time I go to college. Finally, I hope to break out of my shell and start talking

to new people at the college I decide to attend.

How do you demonstrate resilience towards achieving this goal? (or these goals?)

Instead of stressing about this huge decision I sat down and made a pro con list.

Comparing my top 3 choices for colleges. The list is almost complete and I feel a

lot better about my decision. Recently I’ve been putting contacts in right before

school and then taking them out when I get off of work. This is a short period of

time for me tobe wearing them in order to help me adjust to the difference in how

everything looks. I recently downloaded an app that helps you to find people who

are going to the same college as you. I reached out to a couple people in order to

socialize no matter how intimidating the idea of it seemed before.

How does the world around you affect your perception of this goal? (or these goals?)

Recently with everyone else committing to schools they love it’s been hard for me to

focus on anything else. I have been feeling the pressure increasing as May 1st gets

closer. Everyone in my life is telling me to different things so that has also made my

decision harder. Going forward I will be trying to block everyone out and make the

decision based solely on what I want.

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