Thursday, April 8, 2021

Derek Dong, Period 5, 04/09/21, Day B

Derek Dong


Period 5

Modern Mythology 2021

What are your thoughts and feelings about issues of inequity, oppression, and/or power?

Inequity, oppression and power have long been critical issues throughout the entire world, and from thousands of years ago all the way till today. During our study of Beowulf in Modern Mythology class this year, the mistreatment of women was very apparent in the poem and as well as in many other stories. Today, with the pandemic still rolling on, we see inequality and oppression at the forefront of our society. The brutal murders of many innocent African Americans by police officers and other people filled with hatred during the early stages of the pandemic as well as the hatred and attacks towards Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders are prime examples of the inequalities that exist in our country. They don’t just stop here either. Georgia’s recent passage of laws making it harder for people to vote further proves that oppression of people’s voice has also been a long lasting issue. Despite these issues being glaring and evident, the lack of awareness and education on these topics are often the core reasons for many hateful acts and troublesome thoughts. These issues need to be addressed and taught to many young children and more awareness must be spread through activism and conversations between people. 

How do you reflect critically on your own beliefs, assumptions, values, and experiences, and how these can influence your perception of self and others?

No one is perfect and that certain goes with myself when it comes to my own beliefs, assumptions, values and experiences. Therefore, the biggest thing for me is to sympathize with others and try my best to put myself in their shoes. It is really important to be aware of other people’s experiences and views because my own beliefs and assumptions can easily hurt other people. I always like to reflect back on my conversations with others, especially those difficult ones. I like to see why there was potentially differences and whether or not my words and actions were or could be harmful to others. I also like to listen to other people’s experiences because they really give me a more understanding on many different circumstances and help me grow as a person. 

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