Tuesday, April 13, 2021

Nick Feng, Period 5, 4/14, Day B

 Nick Feng


Period 5

Modern Mythology 2021

Write about your thoughts regarding any of the fiction or non-fiction covered in class.

        During this time we have just finished reading "Grendel" by John Gardner. Having previously read "Beowulf", Grendel offers us a completely differently glance at the story. Throughout many points in the story, Grendel tries to become who he really wants to be. However, each time he is denied his desire and forced down his eventual downfall. From the shaper's destruction of truth to the talk with the dragon, Grendel was forced to wage war on Heorot. From this reading, I felt myself pitying Grendel and believing that he didn't deserve his outcome. While reading Beowulf, I had thought otherwise. In Beowulf, we were told that Grendel "feasted" on the people, leading me against Grendel.

Reflect on any new information you have learned in English class by considering how that learning influences your critical perception.

        The new information that I have learned from reading Grendel has influenced my critical perception slightly. It shows me that not everything is as crystal clear as it seems. In the case of Grendel, it seemed as if Grendel was monstrous from the very start. However, we now know this isn't the case and we shouldn't make assumptions without really understanding. Another thing that I learned from reading Grendel and Beowulf is that a story may come out differently from different perspectives, which is why we should never jump to conclusions immediately.

How is what you’re learning applied to any other classes/the world around you?

       In Grendel, we see this perspective of nothing really matters in the world from the dragon. This perspective has caused me to change slightly as I have realized how something in life aren't really significant enough for me to be upset over. This application of nothing matters has allowed me to put my attention and efforts upon much more important things in my daily life.

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