Thursday, October 17, 2019

10/17/19 Martin Zheng PD1

10/17/19 Modern Mythology 2020
Martin Zeng Blogger #17

AIM: How can we explicate the flower-myths to derive morals?

  1. Pandora - What can we understand about humanity from Pandora’s story?
            Paulina - the story is sexist but it tells us of the origins of undesirable traits from but the box known as vices but also released hope.

      2.   What lesson should be explicated about “the sins of the parents” from the tale of Chronus and Rhea?
            Wayne - a lesson that should be learned from the story is to not go against fate
            Derek - Compared eating the apple to Chronus eating his kids, the sinning of            Eve and Chronus
            Jacob - motif of prophecy prevalent in Greek stories; the Fates
      3.    Questions about creation
             Why is it the same in science and Mythology regarding the idea of creation?

Moral of the story 
Group 1 - Persephone
  • Don't be materialistic
Group 2 - Narcissus and Adonis
  • Don't fall in love with yourself and be humble, don't only love yourself love others
  • Do not be overly vain and/or prideful, it will lead to your downfall
  • You have to choose you can't have everything
Group 3 - Echo
  • Don't get involved in other people's business
  • Pettiness hurts other people and there is no reason for it, don't let paranoia and jealousy consume you
  • Misdirected anger, you have to understand who is fault

Group 4 - Hyacinthus
  • Zephyr version - jealousy hurts everyone
  • Regular version - don’t stick to one person too much it can end up hurting you

What I learned 
  • Women have been portrayed throughout time as stupid and nosy so they need to be locked and watched
  • Royal families had eunuchs and dark skinned staff so that they would know if the babies weren't part of the lineage
  • No one can go against fate; such as Macbeth, Chronus
  • Mythology, religion, and science have a connection
  • The moral of the stories of the early heroes (111-120)

Why did I learned it?
  • Understanding the context behind some ideas that are very prevalent in old stories such as the restriction of women
  • In many stories the “Fates” can never be defied
  • We learned about the morals to understand the traits that the Greeks disliked

How will I use what I learned?
  • I will use these new learned ideas to be able to connect stories I read in the future to the ideas learned today
  • I will use my understanding of the flower-myths to stay away from the traits displayed in these characters

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