Sunday, October 27, 2019

10/25/19 Daniel Choi PD1

Aim: How do the punishments of Prometheus, Io, Europa, and Polyphemus demonstrate the forces of wrath?

Do now: Write a short poem about any of the characters from Last nights reading.

This do now was pretty straight forward. We just had to come up with a poem about Prometheus, Io, Europa, or Polyphemus.

After the do now we learned about what the stories from last night actually meant. First we talked about Europa. We talked about Zeus' infidelity. He is known to cheat on his wife Hera all the time. Of course the story of Europa is an example of this. We also discussed how the story is referred to as the "rape" of Europa. This is because Zeus basically forces Europa to have children with him. This story depicts Zeus as innocent and Europa is the  he one whichto  isblame which is clearly not true. I find it very unfair that Greek mythology has many misogynistic views. What did women do wrong?
Then we talked about the story of Io which is similar to Europa's story. Io was another one of Zeus' lovers. From this story we learned that women sacrifice themselves to create greatness.
The last story we reviewed was Polyphmus's story. Through this story we learned that fortune favors the attractive. Polyphemus is a monstrous cyclops that doesn't get any love. In both depictions of his story he get the short end of the stick.

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