Thursday, October 3, 2019

10/3/19 Nicholas Russo PD1

Aim: How do images of the Greco-Roman gods/goddesses enlighten modern philosophy
The class started today with the students listing certain character traits in order of most important to least important, then shared our rankings with our group mates. The traits sorted were all qualities that the greeks referenced in mythology. The class then listed the antonym for each trait.  This then led into a discussion of the seven deadly sins. After the realization that all the antonyms fall into the Seven Deadly Sins, we discussed how our lists reflected who we are or even who we want to be. The next step was revealing that the gods and goddesses are reflections of the things that we value. (God of Wisdom, God of Laws) The goal of the lesson today was to show the students that the greeks connected their gods to the qualities that they found valuable in society and people on a deep self-reflective level.

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