Monday, April 13, 2020

4/13/20 Ruby Li Period 8

Ruby Li 
Period 8

What is it like working from home?
Working from home is honestly getting more and more tiring. At first, I felt that it wasn’t so bad and had gotten a good amount of work done for the first week or so. However, as time dragged on, I felt myself getting tired. Staying home for so long is enough to drive anyone crazy. I feel that staying home for so long isn’t bringing my efficiency up. The longer I stay at home, the lazier I feel. It probably has something to do with the fact that Netflix isn’t blocked and my wifi is faster at home. I still get work done, but it just doesn’t feel the same. Every day has the same monotony and I’m honestly getting bored. A lot of my teachers seem to be giving more work than usual. The difficulty isn’t very high, but there’s just a lot. Sometimes I can get overwhelmed, but I do still finish everything. 

What are you learning about your world/community based on the reactions?
I learned that we are definitely not prepared for a pandemic and that some people have no idea what to do. Last night on the news, there were people buying chicks since some stores didn’t have protein and people were also worried about eggs. However, eggs won’t be produced until six months later, and you can’t tell whether a chick is a hen or rooster. I don’t understand, nor can I wrap my head around this. Why would anyone do this? Also, the PPE shortage. This is so weird to me. Every night when my parents watch the news, I hear Trump talking but I don’t hear any solutions or measures being taken. Why bother with the updates? There are places around the world with systems in place that help alleviate some of the stress on stores and pharmacies. I’ve watched things about how other countries are handling the pandemic as well as the distribution of equipment, What Koreans Think of Wearing Masks During COVID-19 [Street Interview] | ASIAN BOSS. Watching this, I came to realize that we are incredibly underprepared for a pandemic of this scale. Our response was also very delayed. When the virus first showed up in China, the US should’ve already put prevention measures in place. It was inevitable that it would spread to other big countries since China is a center for trade and travel. 

Your own personal feelings and thoughts about what is happening right now.
Building off of what I mentioned, I find the government response unsatisfying. Sure, masks are being bought, but it’s not enough. Donations of hand-made masks might not be used by healthcare workers because they might not be up to standard. There is also confusion about whether or not schools will open and if they do, when. It’s true that we have to wait and see what will happen, but the fact is, the government isn’t doing much to help calm the public down. I especially disliked the ease of which the virus spread. Although it’s true that it is highly contagious and easily spread, the number of people infected wouldn’t be this high if correct measures were taken to prevent it in the first place. I disliked the sit and watch attitude when the virus first came about. Now, we just have to wait until this is over.

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