Thursday, April 23, 2020

Tracy Liang 4/23/20 Period 2 - Blog #3

  • 4/23/20 Modern Mythology 2020
  • Tracy Liang PD2
    • What is it like working from home?
      • Working from home has been alright so far in my experience. Although we have more time to work on classwork and homework, I don’t feel as productive as I did in school. In school, we had rules in class such as putting our phones away and working quietly with no distractions. This allowed me to work without thinking about other things. However, at home I can tell that I get distracted more easily and nobody is telling me to put my phone away. We students also get to decide when we want to work and when we don’t want to work. This gives us a lot of power which for some people like myself might be too much to handle responsibly. On the other hand, I know a few people that have been working better at home because for them, they know themselves best which leads to them working more productively. In my opinion, working from home consistently is a struggle for many but I do appreciate how some of us are able to work at our own pace. We aren’t being rushed at home and are able to take our time to thoroughly understand the material better. 
    • What are you learning about your world/community based on the reactions?
      • I’m learning that the world is really unprepared for situations like these and we should take this experience as something to learn from. The USA started preparing later than other countries which led to more deaths than expected. We also had more time to prepare but many of us didn’t take the situation seriously which caused widespread panic in many medical facilities. While this may be true, I also see many communities coming together during these hard times to donate and do what they can to help people in need. For instance, I watched a video where a restaurant packed lunch to ship to a hospital and that warmed my heart. However, I noticed how some people aren’t taking the situation seriously and aren’t abiding by the rules by going outside in groups. These types of reactions cause fear in me because I see people taking their lives for granted and others’ lives as well.  
    • Your own personal feelings and thoughts about what is happening right now.
      • My personal feelings and thoughts are in a bunch about the situation occurring at the moment. I feel sad as a senior for my fellow seniors as we are in our last year of high school. We will not be able to get this time back and many of us want to experience the last times we will have together. While I feel that school is stressful for many, it’s also a way for us to interact with our friends and connect to others. We are stuck at home because of the quarantine and not being in contact with others causes us to realize the many things we take for granted everyday. On the contrary, I realize that many of us are still alive right now and that should also be something we shouldn’t take for granted. People in the medical field are out there risking their lives for the sick while most of us are safe and sound in the proximity of our own home. I think that we should take this time to grow as people and figure out our personal schedules that fit us best.

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