Friday, April 24, 2020

Ying Dan Lin 4/24/20 Period 2 - Blog #3

Blog 3:
4/24/20 Ying Dan Lin PD2

What are the updates around the world/community regarding the virus?
New York currently has the largest number of cases and deaths in the US, with a majority of them in the New York City and Long Island area. There are over 250,000 cases and over 20,000 deaths. Some states have begun the process of reopening nonessential businesses but there are still major restrictions in place. The month of Ramadan just began but countries like Indonesia, with a large population of Muslims, are placing travel restrictions. With the coming of nice weather, many beaches worldwide and in the US are re-opening despite the warnings against it. We also see a lot of people heading to the beach despite being warned to stay away from large crowds. Just a few days ago, there were protests in 9 states against the stay-at-home order. In light of the ventilator shortage, many individuals and companies have turned to developing ventilator prototypes that are low cost or easy to access. 

What are you learning about your world/community based on the reactions?
The pandemic is really highlighting the good and the bad that the world has to offer. It’s really bringing into light all kinds of people. In my social media feed, I see a lot of racism and discrimination but I also see all kinds of efforts to quell it. Messages of support from teachers, students and all kinds of people around the world are received and shared. There are also a lot of really selfish people out in the world but I guess that isn’t surprising. In sociology, we learned about how when people feel like they are in immediate danger, they will prioritize their own and their circle of people’s well-being first. Of course, there are exceptions of truly altruistic people who are willing to help others despite putting themselves in potential danger. Those are the stories that make you believe in humanity again.

Your own personal feelings and thoughts about what is happening right now.
I really don’t like quarantine and living in fear that something will happen to my important people. I recently spoke to my grandmother in China and it left me so sad. She was telling me about how they had just recently begun lifting the lockdown in her hometown which is a coastal city on the southeastern side of China. They aren’t supposed to mingle outside but they can go out to do essential business now. My parents keep telling me stories about the harassment of Asian Americans and it makes them scared to leave the house. I’m also just really tired of staying at home. I miss going out and being able to hang out with my friends, in person. I understand that this is for the best and safety of everyone but I really hope that my senior class and everyone graduating high school this year can get to start college on time.

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