Wednesday, April 8, 2020

4/3/20 Senan Demel Pd 2

Senan Demel - Modern Mythology 2020 - Period 2
Blog #3 - 04/03/20
Blog Content:
  • What are the updates around the world/community regarding the virus?
  • What is it like working from home?
  • What are you learning about your world/community based on the reactions?

  According to the Staten Island Advance, there have been approximately 1.5m reported cases of coronavirus worldwide. 88,000 people have died from the virus, but 328,000 have recovered. Now, according to my own calculations, this means that the death rate of coronavirus is about 6% and the recovery rate is about 22%. These statistics show that the possibility of surviving the coronavirus pandemic is relatively decent, if not high. That is why I have hope. In the grand scheme of things, this whole situation is just another obstacle we must overcome. With enough effort, collaboration, and empathy, we can get through this more smoothly, and I truly wish more people would realize this. For most people in Staten Island, it’s as easy as staying home.

  Staying home is definitely a big shift, but we genuinely have it better than others in the world. As a high school student, staying home is a win for me. However, as a teenage boy, it is a huge loss. Why? For example, I love not having to waste hours commuting to school and back, as this gives me more time to do my homework. On the other hand, I can’t go out with my friends after school and participate in my sport activities or clubs, which is a huge part of my life. Online classes were awkward starting out, but I have gotten used to them. The experience is definitely less stressful and much easier to manage, although all of this free time (especially as a senior) invites procrastination with open arms.

  If only people would love each other with the same open arms (6 feet apart, obviously.) Many cases of discrimination and hate crimes have arisen from the pandemic, usually towards people of Asian descent. You would think that people may want to stick together through hardships that affect us all, but it seems to be quite the opposite for some. Many news companies fail to report what happens in the inner circles of life. What we should remember, however, is that people will always be good, and people will always be evil. In tough times, we see and learn about the true nature of humanity. The thing to understand about nature is the word itself. Nature is natural, and no matter how much we want or try to change it, it will always stay the same. 

  As more and more people die to the virus, more and more people recover. More and more people are born, just as more and more people are killed. It is a balance between creation and death. These two forces exist wherever you might look, and it isn’t about whether or not we can change them. It’s about how we adapt to them. 

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