Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Orson Jiang 4/15/20 Period 2 - Blog #3

Orson Jiang PD 2

What is it like working from home?
Working at home is harder than it seems to most. At first I'd think that it would be the dream, since I could have my own hours and work out of my bed and I wouldn't have to go on my 2 hour commute to school. This however doesn't outweigh the negative outcomes such as lack of motivation since I am still in bed or abnormal hours since I still have to take care of my sister and do chores around the house. I would honestly much rather go to school since it is easier for me to learn in the classroom than at home. Not only that but I could also enjoy the many senior activities that I paid for which I no longer will get to experience.

What are you learning about your world/community based on the reactions?
I learned the reality that people in our world/community have very white or black reactions to the virus. Many people stereotype and discriminate against certain races because they think that these people are more prone to have the virus. It isn't just a look of disgust but physical violence such as battering and beating these people up in public. Panic is flooding our world and even the nicest people are lashing out in these drastic ways.

Your own personal feelings and thoughts about what is happening right now.
I personally think that people should just stay inside unless it is 100% necessary. People are scared and they have a right to be but there is research that makes it evident that if we all stay inside we can prevent the spread of this virus from becoming far more severe. I also think seniors are being robbed of their senior year and the people going out in retaliation are the ones making it worse. If we all followed the directions that have been implemented we would find ourselves having a much better time in a couple weeks, but this is truly a great example of “One bad apple can spoil the bunch."

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