Tuesday, April 7, 2020

4/7/2020 Alex Li Period 5

April 7, 2020

Alex Li Period 5

Blogger #16

What is it like working from home?
   Working from home is mainly a good thing, but there are also some detriments. I get a lot more sleep and don't have to commute to school at all, but working from home is also very boring. I don't have the opportunity to really interact with my friends or teachers about the lesson. Most of the time the assignments are usually done alone. A good thing though is that I feel like we have more time to do some of the assignments that the teacher give us because the class times are longer. Working from home also allows me to be more comfortable than being in school. Some detriments of having to work at home is that it is very boring at times because I am literally sitting in a chair for hours until I finish my classes for the day.

Your own personal feelings and thoughts about what is happening right now.
    I feel a bit scared with everything that is happening right now, but also a little bit hopeful. Because the Coronavirus is so infectious and there's no treatment, my family is super paranoid about us getting it. Every time I cough my mom stares at me for a good 5 seconds. The more that my parents are scared also makes me scared and me being scared isn't even justified. My whole family has been home since the start of the Coronavirus, so I don't think we would get it. The Coronavirus is scary, but I feel like it's also very easy to avoid it. We just need to wear the proper equipment and practice social distancing. Because people aren't practicing these things, many other people are getting sick. I feel like if we can all follow the correct procedures, we can safely get through this. Today, there has also been a lot of news about a possible cure for the virus and that the treatments are undergoing testing so that is a very good sign.

What are you learning about your world/community based on the reactions?
     I'm learning that people panic very easily based on reactions. From what I've seen, many stores have been depleted of canned foods and sanitation products. It shows that the people are being misinformed and taking a lot more than what they need. Because some people are hogging supplies, other people like medical professionals who actually need them aren't able to get them. There has been a lot of misinformation going and many politicians think that they understand the situation but they don't. We have to stick to accurate and trusted sources like the WHO or the CDC to get our information. I think that in the future, governments and leaders will look back on this event and be more prepared in the future for such an event.

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