Tuesday, April 7, 2020

4/7/2020 Terrance Chung PD 7

Modern Mythology 2020 
Terrance Chung 
Period 7

It’s been a couple of weeks since the quarantine of New York City public schools
was issued. Many schools transitioned to a different approach to schooling.Teachers
manage their classes from their homes. Assignments are posted online and students
wake up straight into their classes. Personally, I feel that working from home has its benefits
and just as many drawbacks. Working at home gives me more control of my own schedule
and gives me more time for school work and personal work. The sudden events of the
coronavirus was very confusing. In the beginning, I felt confused and disoriented. After a few
weeks of getting accustomed to the new feeling of homeschooling, the realization that the
rest of my senior year may have come to an end slowly hit me. The realization was
saddening because I was looking forward to many future events. The deadly coronavirus
seems to be dropping settling down in some parts of the world but the cases are rising
within the United States. The amount of cases within New York State alone has reached
138,863. There have been a total of 12878 combined deaths within the United States. 

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