Wednesday, April 15, 2020

4/15/20 Cindy Liang Period 8

Cindy Liang PD8 Blogger #16 4/15/20 Modern Mythology 2020 What is it like working from home? To be completely honest, I don’t like working from home. It does have its own perks like waking up and working whenever I want to and working at my own comfortable pace. But there are just way too many distractions at home and too little motivation to actually complete the work. I would very much prefer waking up at six every morning and get my education in school. What are the updates around the world/community regarding the virus? On Saturday the mayor officially announced that all NYC schools will be closed. On Monday, tech sent out a naviance email regarding schools not reopening for the rest of the year. Today I read an article about the first case of coronavirus spreading from people who are already dead. I have also read a lot of articles regarding what college would look like and how it will be affected because of the virus. A university in Boston already said that they might postpone the semester. There was another article from scientists warning that if there is no proper vaccine, we might have to practice social distancing all the way till 2022. Your own personal feelings and thoughts about what is happening right now. I am very sad and frustrated. I imagined my second semester of my senior year of high school to be fun and carefree. After commiting to my dream college, I was hoping to end the year right with my last dance performance, my last season of handball, senior showcase, senior day, prom, and graduation. Compared to people dying all around the world, my problems might be seen as trivial. But I am still very disappointed at not being to experience these events and properly saying goodbye to all my beloved teachers and friends that had been with me for these past four years at Staten Island Technical High School.

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